
  • 网络Belgian French;BF - Belgian French
  1. 比利时一家法语报纸最近推出了欧洲首份3D版的报纸,随报附赠特制眼镜以便读者体验3D效果。

    Belgian French-language daily has issued what is thought to be Europe 's first3D newspaper-complete with cardboard viewing glasses .

  2. 最初的时候,比利时只使用法语为其官方语言,它是贵族和资产阶级所使用的语言。

    Originally , Belgium had only one official language , French , which was the adopted language of the nobility and the bourgeoisie .

  3. 最初在语言问题(有些比利时囚犯说法语而不是荷兰语)和物资供应(许多物资来自最近的比利时监狱,在40公里约25英里之外)上存在一些麻烦。

    At first there was grumbling about language ( some of the Belgian prisoners speak French , not Dutch ) and ease of access ( many supplies come from the nearest Belgian prison , 40km 25 miles away ) .