
  • 网络King of Belgium;King of the Belgians;Baudouin
  1. 比如,伽利略计划合作、空客的合作、核电合作,今天上午比利时国王还跟我提及第四代小型核技术合作。

    For example , our cooperation in Galieo project , Airbus , nuclear power and the fourth-generation small scale nuclear technologies which King of Belgium mentioned to me this morning .

  2. 比利时国王利奥波德二世在安特卫普被点燃,在根特被浇上红色油漆。

    King Leopold II of the Belgians was set on fire in Antwerp and doused in red paint in Ghent .

  3. 傍晚时分,比利时国王菲利普、首相、专家及遇难者亲属抵达事故现场。

    King Phillipe arrived the scene early evening , during the Belgium prime minister and their luminaries along with families and friends of the victims .

  4. 比利时迎来新国王。

    Belgium has a new king .

  5. 他是比利时的第七任国王,在比利时国王大多是名誉职位。

    He is the seventh king in Belgium , a largely ceremonial position .