
gōng guó
  • principality;duchy;dukedom
公国 [gōng guó]
  • [duchy; dukedom] 欧洲封建时代以公爵为元首的诸侯国家或领土

公国[gōng guó]
  1. 7世纪建立的Carantania的斯拉夫公国,是第一个前斯洛文尼亚族国家和第一个稳定的拉斯夫国家。

    The Slavic Duchy of Carantania , the first proto-Slovenian state and the first stable Slavic state , was formed in the7th century .

  2. 精铁之羽就是狮鹫公国二元性的最佳代表。

    The Iron Feather is the very symbol of the duality of the Griffin Duchy .

  3. 西部与它相连的比利时的luxembourg省面积为4443平方公里,将近为卢森堡公国的两倍。

    In the West it borders the Belgian province of Luxembourg , which is ( at 4443 km ) nearly twice the size of the country .

  4. 与其接壤的有比利时、卢森堡公国、德国、瑞士、意大利、摩纳哥、安道尔共和国(Andorra)及西班牙。

    It is bordered by Belgium , Luxembourg , Germany , Switzerland , Italy , Monaco , Andorra , and Spain .

  5. 8世纪时前斯洛伐克国家被称为尼特拉公国(Nitrian),并在833年成为大摩拉维亚帝国的中心部分。

    A proto-Slovak state known as the Nitrian Principality arose in the8th century and became part of the core of Great Moravian Empire in833 .

  6. 格洛思特公爵及公爵夫人住在他们自己的公国里。

    Duke and Duchess of Gloucester live in their own dukedom .

  7. 这个公国在16世纪成为了奥斯曼帝国的附属国。

    The principality became tributary to the Ottoman Empire during16th century .

  8. 今年上榜的富豪来自52个国家和1个公国。

    The latest list includes citizens of52 countries and one principality .

  9. 而且,在一个公国内部,权力之争也时常发生。

    And within a dukedom , the struggle for power frequently occurred .

  10. 除了国王或公国君主外,那时什么人都不能修建城堡。

    No one but a king or prince might build a castle .

  11. 俄罗斯基辅公国与莫斯科公国有著什麽样的国家组织?

    How did state formation come about in Kievan and Muscovite Russia ?

  12. 吾等之生命将是吾等对公国最后的礼物。

    Our life shall be the last we give for the dukdom .

  13. 俄罗斯作为俄国公国在12世纪建立的。

    Russia was founded in the12th century as the Principality of Muscovy .

  14. 公爵或女爵的领地;公国。

    The territory ruled by a duke or duchess ; a dukedom .

  15. 位于喜马拉雅山脉印度东北的一个公国。

    A principality in the Himalayas northeast of India .

  16. 我曾去过摩纳哥公国。

    I 've been to the Principality of monaco .

  17. 1840年,她嫁给了自己的表兄,萨克森-科堡-哥达公国的阿尔伯特亲王。

    In1840 , she married her first cousin , Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha .

  18. 在德国,他拥有奥地利公国;

    In Germany he possessed the Austrian duchies ;

  19. 在这个公国的首府有一个很大的庆祝会。

    In the chief town of the province a GREat festival was being celebrated .

  20. 拜占廷对莫斯科公国的支持是莫斯科公国兴起的外部推动力。

    That Byzantium holding out Moscow is one of outside impetus of rise of Moscow .

  21. 梵地冈城邦最为稳定,再依次是瑞典、卢森堡公国和摩纳哥。

    Vatican City was ranked most stable , followed by Sweden , Luxembourg and Monaco .

  22. 维滕堡公国的宗教政治环境与青年黑格尔的志向

    The Religious and Political Environment of Dukedom of Wurttemberg and the Inclinations of Young Hegel

  23. 1719年,这块领土被正式册封为公国,只受罗马皇帝管辖。

    In 1719 , the domain was granted principality status , answering only to the emperor .

  24. 俄罗斯历史源自中世纪时期的基辅公国,现代乌克兰分裂成了两部分:亲欧洲的中西部和亲俄罗斯的东部。

    Modern Ukraine is split between a pro-European west and centre , and a more pro-Russian east .

  25. 墨西哥的公国中的一个城镇和旅游胜地;是世界闻名的赌城。

    A town and popular resort in the principality of Monaco ; world-famous for its gambling casino .

  26. 之所以说这个公国仿佛就是未来世界,是因为这里只有两个阶层:拥有喷气式飞机的人和乘坐巴士的人。

    The principality resembles the global future because it has two classes : jet-owners and bus passengers .

  27. 5个可选派系-耶路撒冷王国,安提俄克公国,埃及,土耳其,拜占庭。

    5 playable factions ? Kingdom of jerusalem , principality of antioch , egypt , turks , byzantium .

  28. 公国是由君主统治,摩纳哥公国就是这样的。

    A principality is a place ruled by a prince . Monaco is an example of a principality .

  29. 第二部分,以莫斯科公国的兴起为视角,从一个侧面探讨拜占廷与莫斯科罗斯的关系。

    The second phase , from rise of Moscow angle , reveals relationship between Byzantium and Moscow Rus .

  30. 她是欧洲几个蕞薾小国之一,如今是世界上唯一的公国。

    One of the smallest countries in Europe , today it is the world 's only Grand Duchy .