
gōng lǐ huì
  • Congregational Church
公理会[gōng lǐ huì]
  1. 公理会和基督会的合并。

    Merger of the Congregational Church and the Christian church .

  2. (宗教)属于、关于公理会的,或有公理会特点的。

    ( religion ) of or pertaining to or characteristic of a Congregational church .

  3. 在英国,长老会、公理会和浸信会凭借这份《信条》实现了联合,成为不信英国国教的一派。

    The British Presbyterian , Congregationalists and the Baptist achieves joint and becomes Nonconformists .

  4. 在公理会等其他教内部,各个单独的会所都是相对独立的。

    Within other groups such as the Congregationalists , each individual church is relatively independent .

  5. 基督教公理会全国协进会

    National Association of Congregational Christian Churches

  6. 公理会基督教服务社

    Congregational Christian School Service

  7. 这个市场的所在之处,原为美国公理会的布道所。

    The place where this market situated used to be occupied by the preaching house of American congregational mission .

  8. 有些团体如卫理公会和圣公会,都有比较强有力的中央组织。在公理会等其他教内部,各个单独的会所都是相对独立的。

    Some groups such as the Methodists and Episcopalians have a rather strong central organization ; within other groups such as the congregationalists , each individual church is relatively independent .

  9. 光秃秃的树枝在寒风中摇摆,树梢后面耸立起联合公园公理会教堂的尖顶,再远处,还有好几个教堂的塔楼耸立着。

    Over the bare limbs of the trees , which now swayed in the wintry wind , rose the steeple of the Union Park Congregational Church , and far off the towers of several others .

  10. 如果这一情况发生,他们的平行公理假设便会不正确。

    Were this to happen , then the assumption of their parallel axiom would be invalid .