
gōng hài
  • public hazard;public nuisance;environmental pollution;social effects of pollution;public disaster;pollution nuisance
公害 [gōng hài]
  • (1) [social effects of pollution]∶给某特定地区的人带来危害或骚扰,造成侵犯他们作为该地区成员的权利的一种妨害( 如阻碍公路交通)

  • 在公路上乱设站卡,勒索敲诈过往司机,已成为社会上一大公害

  • (2) [environmental pollution]∶环境的污染

公害[gōng hài]
  1. 世界八大公害事件与绿色GDP

    Events Eight Social Pollution Nuisance and Green GDP

  2. 中日公害赔偿法律制度比较

    Comparison on Legal System of Compensation for the Lose Caused by Public Nuisance between China and Japan

  3. 过度饮酒是一种社会公害。

    Excessive drinking is a social menace .

  4. 赌博是社会公害之一。

    Gambling is a public plague .

  5. 鸽子经常被视为很脏的鸟类和城市公害,但是它们最近刚刚被列入有能力帮助人类的动物行列中的一员。

    Pigeons are often seen as dirty birds and an urban   nuisance , but they are just the latest in a long line of animals that have been found to have abilities to help humans .

  6. GIS下无公害农产品产地空气和灌溉水环境预警区划分

    A GIS to Compartmentalize Early - Warning Region on Producing Area of Nuisance Free Primary Products

  7. 环境对绿色食品、有机食品和无公害食品具有影响,加入WTO后面临着发展机遇与挑战。

    This article expounds the influence of environment on green food , organic food and non-pollution food .

  8. 无公害蔬菜生产全程质量监控中的HACCP体系

    HACCP System for Complete Quality Supervision in Producing of Pollution-free Vegetables

  9. 无公害鲜切莲藕生产的HACCP管理模式的研究

    Studies on the HACCP Management Model of Non-pollution Fresh-cut Lotus Roots

  10. 1号、3号、5号基地,土壤处于轻污染,土壤质量不符合GAP无公害中药生产基地的要求。

    1 , No. 3 , No. 5 are polluted lightly , whose the quality of soil fall short of the demand for GAP .

  11. 无公害兔肉生产中HACCP的应用探讨

    Discussion in the Application of HACCP in Unpolluted Rabbit Production

  12. 红提葡萄蜂胶无公害保鲜和HACCP体系应用的研究

    A Study on Non-polluted Storage of the Red Globe Grape by Propolis and the Application of HACCP System

  13. 阿维菌素B1和井冈霉素是高效、安全和作用机制独特的无公害生物农药。

    Avermectin Bl and jinggangmycins are safe and highly effective bio-pesticides with special modes of action .

  14. 而Cd的污染最为严重,常规蔬菜Cd的超标率为98.7%,无公害蔬菜Cd的超标率为85.2%。

    And the pollution of Cd is the most serious . The exceeding standard rate of Cd is 98.7 % on the routine vegetables and non-polluted vegetable is 85.2 % .

  15. 通过无公害化学诱导子的诱导可使茶树芽叶的EGCG含量提高20.15%~25.00%。

    Induced by harmless inducer , the EGCG content of tea shoots improved 20.15 % ~ 25.00 % .

  16. 随着经济的发展,挥发性有机化合物(VOC)的污染已成为危害人体健康的公害。

    The pollution of volatile organic compounds ( VOC ) is the social effects of pollution that is harm to human health as the economy developed .

  17. 陕西苹果主产区苹果果实中Cu、Cr、Hg、Pb普遍存在,Cu、Cr、Hg检出率均为100%,Pb的检出率为94.6%,但含量水平未超过无公害食品苹果的卫生标准。

    The detection rates of Cr , Cu , Hg were 100 % , and the detection rate of Pb was 94.6 % . The contents of all harmful elements were below to the Standard for non-environmental pollution apple .

  18. 许多研究表明,金属汞(Hg)是一种危害非常广泛的重金属毒物,是人类环境污染中最常见的公害之一。

    Many studies have shown that mercury ( Hg ) is a toxic heavy metal in a wide range of hazards , and it is one of the most common harm for human environmental pollution .

  19. “BTO”有益微生物技术是应用范围广、低投入、高产出、无公害、无污染的生态农业、环保工程应用项目。

    BTO , availability microbe technology , is widely used with advantages of low cost , high output , no pollution eco-agriculture and environmental engineering .

  20. 由于中大功率设备在电网中占有很大比重,三相功率因数校正在解决电力公害方面具有十分重要的作用,因此三相PFC已经成为国际电力电子学界研究的热门课题。

    Because the middle and large power equipments account for heavy proportion and three-phase PFC has important function to solve the pollution to the unity , three-phase PFC has become hot study subject in international power electronics educational circles already .

  21. NA水工质对的制冷量可达992kJ/kg,NB乙醇工质对的制冷量大约为活性碳甲醇的2.4倍,是一种环境友好型、无公害的工质对。

    The cooling volume of NA - water can reach 922 kJ / kg , the cooling volume of NB - ethanol is about 2.4 times that of activated carbon - ethanol , and it is an environment friendly and no public hazard working pairs .

  22. 有机、无公害生产模式芹菜NO-3含量分别较常规模式低30.6%和25.9%。

    The nitrate contents of the plants in the organic and integrated patterns are 30.6 % and 25.9 % lower than those in the conventional pattern .

  23. 本研究的目的是对城市中心商业区(CBD)内的公交线路实施合理管理,减少CBD内过于集中的公交线路和停车站点对道路交通和商店街景观的影响,削减CBD内的交通公害。

    This study aims to proper manage bus lines and bus stops in CBD , to reduce the negative impacts of dense bus lines on road traffic and landscape in CBD , and to improve tail gas emission , traffic noise and vibration .

  24. 套袋果实的辛硫磷含量未检出,符合NY5011-2001国家农业行业标准无公害食品苹果的要求,而未套袋苹果的辛硫磷含量超出国家标准。

    Fruit phoxim in bags haven 't determined by instrument that meet the national agricultural standard of green apple fruit ( NY5011-2001 ), But phoxim content in control was slight higher than the national standard .

  25. 它成本低、无毒、无臭、无公害,具有较好的高、中温性能,适用于钢在800~1100C的防氧化脱碳热处理。

    Results shewed that SQA coating was an ideal oxidation decarbonizing protective coating at high or middle temperature , because of its low cost , non-poison , odorless , harmless and good performances at high or middle temperature .

  26. 基于环保因素的考虑,以无公害、无污染、性能优良的Bi-V-O系颜料可在红、黄相领域取代有毒的含铅、铬、镉等元素的无机颜料,如锌黄、红丹等。

    Secondly , on the basis of the enviromental considers , these " green " bismuth pigments were presented to substitute for some toxic inorganic pigments containing chromium , lead , cadmium and so on , like chrome yellow , zinc yellow and lead red .

  27. 烟草病虫害低公害综合防治技术研究

    Research on Low Public Hazard Integrated Control Technology of Tobacco Pest

  28. 食用菌无公害、经济型保鲜技术研究进展

    Study Progress of Healthy and Economic Freshness-keeping Technology for Edible Fungi

  29. 无公害茶叶生产基地的建立及其栽培管理技术

    Establishment of Production Base of Non-polluted Tea and its Management Technology

  30. 无公害饲料及添加剂的检测与研究

    Study on the Determination for Non - environmental Pollution Feed Additives