
  • 网络open unemployment
  1. 主要表现为农村隐性失业日趋显性化,公开失业数量大增。

    These are mainly expressed by the facts that the covert unemployment in the countryside is getting increasingly overt , and that the amount of open unemployment rises greatly .

  2. 随着由计划经济体制向市场经济体制的转轨,我国过去以冗员形式存在的隐蔽失业逐渐地以公开失业的形式暴露出来。

    With the transformation from plan economic system to market economic system , the hidden unemployment which performing as superfluous employee before in our country is exposed gradually as opening unemployment .

  3. 财政大臣公开宣称失业率上升是遏制通货膨胀“值得付出的代价”。

    The Chancellor is on record as saying that the increase in unemployment is ' a price worth paying ' to keep inflation down .