
  • 网络market operation
  1. 三家公司拥有庞大用户基础,基本面稳定,在全球电信服务行业中具有重要影响力。其ADR总体规模不大,即便摘牌,对公司发展和市场运行的直接影响相当有限。

    Given the three companies ' large user base , stable operation , significant influence on the global telecommunications service industry , as well as the small proportion of ADRs in their total shares , the act of delisting will have very limited impact on their market operation and development , according to the spokesperson .

  2. 城市土地市场运行与政策控管研究

    Research on Urban Land Market Operation and Policy Control and Management

  3. 对此,NBA联赛和篮球运营总监李特文强调,目前我们并不觉得我们的市场运行状况出现警告信号。

    " We are a absolutely not alarmed right now about any of our markets ," said Joel Litvin , the NBA 's president for league and basketball operations .

  4. 汽油、柴油、燃料油、石脑油、煤油、LPG的产量比2002年均会有一定幅度增长。预计汽柴油年平均价格将与2002年水平接近,市场运行相对平稳。

    Output of gasoline , diesel , fuel oil , naphtha , kerosene and LPG will grow compared to 2002 . The annual average prices of gasoline and diesel are predicted to approach 2002 levels with the market largely stable .

  5. 在市场运行过程中,股票市场收益、波动率、货币供应量、居民消费价格水平指数(CPI)等也会诱发市场风险,进而影响债券价格。

    In the operation of real market , the revenue of stock market , fluctuation ratio , supply of money , and consumer pricing index can also cause the market risk and influence the price of the bond .

  6. 迄今为止,大学TTO似乎更善于支持基于专利技术的企业,尤其是生命科学领域,而非在快速发展的市场运行、基于服务的企业。

    So far , university TTOs have appeared to be better at supporting companies based on patented technology , especially in the life sciences , rather than the development of service-based businesses operating in fast-paced markets .

  7. 我国传媒市场运行机制研究

    A Study on the Operational System of Media Market in China

  8. 我国金融市场运行效率分析

    Analysis on the Running Efficiency of Our National Financial Market

  9. 住房价格是住房市场运行的核心。

    Housing price is the core of housing market running .

  10. 信息,尤其是会计信息是资本市场运行的基础。

    Information , particularly accounting information is the basis for capital market .

  11. 人力资本市场运行机制与制度创新

    Functioning Mechanism & System Innovation of the Human Capital Market

  12. 基于知识经纪人的企业内部知识市场运行研究

    Broker-Based Corporate Inner Knowledge Market : Factors and its running

  13. 其市场运行机制,实行半市场机制型,计划机制仍发挥重要作用,但市场机制的作用逐渐增强;

    Its market running mechanism institutes a semi-market-running-mechanism type .

  14. 论社会主义劳动力市场运行机制体系

    On the Operational Mechanisms of Socialist Labour Market

  15. 建立能够模拟国际市场运行成本的生产基地;

    Building product bases with the capacity of simulating cost operation within international market ;

  16. 土地储备机构是土地储备机制的市场运行主体。

    Land banking mechanism is an important means of enforcing urban land market administration .

  17. 我国职业体育俱乐部市场运行机制缺陷及其应对策略

    Research on Defects of Running Mechanisms of Professional Sports Club in China and Its Strategy

  18. 转型期城市土地市场运行机制研究与公共政策选择

    The Circulating System and Public Policy Choice of City Land Market in the Transformation Period

  19. 对化肥市场运行规律的探讨

    On Operation Regular Pattern of Fertilizer Market

  20. 电力市场运行效率研究

    Research on Operation Efficiency of Power Market

  21. 电子商务与旅游市场运行机制研究

    E-commerce and the Tourist Market Operation

  22. 但是,股票市场运行轨迹方程(二维蛋白质结构方程),也即是股票市场的内在规律又决定了中国股票市场未来将走巨大的牛市。

    But 2-D protein structure equation shows that the stock markets of China will steady rise .

  23. 讨论了英国电力市场运行备用定价方法的合理性及其不足。

    The UK methods for operating reserve are introduced and its advantages and deficiencies are discussed .

  24. 2004年及2005年1-5月工程机械市场运行情况

    The market report of the construction machinery industry for 2004 and the first quarter of 2005

  25. 必须通过全面提高上市公司素质,完善市场运行机制,加强市场监管,推动券商的发展等措施来完善市场功能。

    Market supervision strengthened ; and stock development pushed forward so as to consummate the market function .

  26. 有鉴于此,我国信息服务业的发展应从制定发展目标、明确发展方向、培育新增长点、理顺管理体制、完善信息市场运行机制和培养信息人才等方面来进行规划与设计。

    Adjusting management system ; perfecting the operational mechanism of information markets ; and training information talents .

  27. 航运电子市场运行机制

    Operation mechanism of shipping e-marketplace

  28. 建立符合市场运行规律的机制就是解决这些矛盾的关键。

    Establishing a mechanism that conform the market operation rule is the key to solve all these contradictions .

  29. 在分析网络化信息服务市场运行机制的基础上,讨论网络化信息服务市场的管理问题。

    This paper discusses the management of the market of network information services after analyzing its running mechanism .

  30. 本文构造了一个基于智能代理的仿真模型讨论三种定价方法的市场运行特征。

    An agent-based simulation model is developed in this paper to compare the market characteristics under different pricing methods .