
shì zhèng tīng
  • City Hall;town hall;guildhall;hotel de ville
市政厅[shì zhèng tīng]
  1. 火灾使市政厅遭到严重破坏。

    The fire badly damaged the town hall .

  2. 警察在巴尼特市政厅值守。

    Police were on guard at Barnet town hall .

  3. 明天市长将在市政厅宣布大会开幕。

    The Mayor will open the proceedings at the City Hall tomorrow .

  4. 数千人涌往市政厅进行抗议。

    Several thousand people marched on City Hall .

  5. 他们在市政厅前集会。

    They massed in front of the city hall .

  6. 她被告知于11点30分在市政厅参加就职仪式。

    She was told to present herself at the Town Hall at 11.30 for the induction ceremony

  7. 政府给了他们一个可以在市政厅出售食品的特许权。

    The government gave them a concession to sell food in the town hall .

  8. 她每天下午3时前往她所负责采访的市政厅为晚报采访新闻。

    She goes out on the city hall beat for the evening paper at3 every afternoon .

  9. 杜尔克自主打造了21世纪希尔弗瑟姆的大部分城景,其中大概75座建筑仍有他的个人风格。他的杰作希尔弗瑟姆市政厅建于1928-1931年。

    Dudok alone shaped most 21th century Hilversum and approximately 75 buildings still bear his unique characteristics , His masterpiece , Hilversum Town Hall , was built in 1928-1931 .

  10. 一大群人聚集在市政厅的大钟下

    A large crowed gathered under the Town Hall clock .

  11. 市议会决定把市政厅前的广场铺上石板。

    The town council decided to pave the square before the Hall .

  12. 例句:由市政厅签署的合同,若其中涉及的金额和数量超过50倍,则须盖章并履行其他手续。

    A contract made by an urban council , whereof the value and amount exceed X50 , must be under seal , and certain other formalities must be observed .

  13. 他于上周五和周六分成别在蒙大拿州和科罗拉多州针对该问题(problem)举行了两次市政厅会议。

    He held two town hall meetings on the issue in Montana and Colorado on Friday and Saturday .

  14. 在R线的市政厅站(CityHall),她坐在一条长椅上休息。

    At the City Hall station for the R train , she settled onto a bench .

  15. 奥巴马(Obama)政府本希望,本月的市政厅会议将为医疗改革铺平道路。

    The Obama administration had hoped that this month 's town hall meetings would smooth the way for healthcare reform .

  16. 下周,他又要在ABC电视台的黄金时间做一场两个小时的市政厅演讲。

    Next week , he 's doing a two-hour , primetime town hall here on ABC .

  17. 这一计划已上报英国内政部(HomeOffice)。伦敦市政厅试图以此扶持初创科技企业和时尚工作室,这些企业目前苦于应对官僚程序和签证政策收紧的高成本。

    The plan , submitted to the Home Office , is an attempt by City Hall to boost tech start-ups and fashion ateliers that struggle with the bureaucracy and cost of the tightened visa system .

  18. 伦敦现任市长鲍里斯•约翰逊(BorisJohnson)表示,他也希望让权力从英国议会转到伦敦市政厅。

    Boris Johnson , the present mayor , says he too wants power shifted from Westminster to City Hall .

  19. 相关机构对这次盛会进行了24小时网上直播,内容包括由美国教育部长阿恩·顿坎和美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)主席朱利叶斯·格纳考斯基在市政厅主持的仪式,旨在展示如何应用科技改进美国教育。

    The full-day webcast , including a town hall hosted by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski , showcases how technology can improve learning in the U.S.

  20. 有鉴于此,海沃德对社交媒体能够变成“虚拟市政厅会议”抱着一种更加乐观的看法,至少Twitter有这样的志向。

    Because of this , Mr Heyward is more optimistic that social networks can actually become the " virtual town hall meeting " that Twitter , at least , has aspired to be .

  21. 6、嫁给死去的前男友。MagaliJaskiewicz和JonathanGeorge原本打算在2008年11月在当地的市政厅结婚的,可是新郎在结婚前两天死于一起车祸。

    Magali Jaskiewicz and Jonathan George had planned to wed at their local town hall in November 2008 , but he was killed just two days before the ceremony in a motorcycle accident .

  22. 李和她的家人最终不得不搬出出租房,但NormanFong说,这件事引起了公众注意,有利于刺激市政厅和萨克拉门托采取应对措施。

    Lee and her family eventually had to leave theapartment but Norman Fong says the case drew public attention and helped spuraction at City Hall and Sacramento .

  23. 1978年11月27日,旧金山市长乔治·莫斯贡和同性恋权利活动家城市监督员HarveyMilk在市政厅被前监督员丹·怀特射死。

    On Nov. 27 , 1978 , San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and City Supervisor Harvey Milk , a gay-rights activist , were shot to death inside City Hall by Dan White , a former supervisor .

  24. 为了出版那一期,《Bidoun》多次召开会议,大多是在开罗的市政厅画廊(TownhouseGallery)进行,留下了一段口述的历史。

    To make the issue , Bidoun held meetings , often at Cairo 's Townhouse Gallery , and produced a kind of oral history .

  25. 伯南克的四年任期将于明年1月结束,预计届时他将再度被巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)提名为美联储主席。上周日,他打破先例,在堪萨斯城召开了一次市政厅答疑会。

    Mr Bernanke , who is still expected to be re-nominated as chairman by Barack Obama when his four-year term expires in January , broke with precedent last Sunday when he held a town hall question and answer session in Kansas City .

  26. 白宫的官员会希望,下周一巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)在上海与学生见面时,能避免类似丢面子的事情。这种市政厅见面会式的固定项目,已成为美国总统的标志性活动。

    White House officials will be hoping that Barack Obama can avoid a similar loss of face on Monday when he meets a group of students in Shanghai for the set piece town hall that has become the US president 's signature event .

  27. 林雪平市政厅主席KristinaEdlund表示智能城市与创新科技和设计极好地共同规划在了一起。

    Linkoping Municipality Board Chairwoman Kristina Edlund says the smart city was well planned with innovative technologies and designs .

  28. 周六下午,在市政厅附近的一所学校,孩子们兴高采烈地坐在那里,听我们的吉祥物罗迪(Roddy)讲解一个语法知识点。

    At a kids ' school near City Hall , students sat enraptured on a Saturday afternoon , watching our mascot Roddy explain a grammar point .

  29. Herning市政厅广场

    Herning City Hall Square

  30. 民主党国会议员PerterStark非常繁忙,他要在加利福尼亚召开三场市政厅会议。

    Democratic Congressman Perter Stark , well he is holding three , not one , not two but three in fact in California well he is gonna be a busy guy .