
chánɡ xū jīnɡ
  • Fin whale;finback
  1. 蓝鲸和长须鲸是海洋中体型最大的两个物种。

    The blue and fin whale are the two largest species in the oceans .

  2. 研究人员们分析了无人机在加拿大圣劳伦斯湾拍摄的蓝鲸和长须鲸的照片,圣劳伦斯湾是鲸鱼夏季的重要觅食地。

    The researchers analysed images taken by drones of blue and fin3 whales in Canada 's Gulf4 of St Lawrence – an important summer feeding ground for whales .

  3. 鲸鱼身上的伤疤表明,被研究的60%的蓝鲸和大约半数的长须鲸曾在它们生命中的某个时刻被渔网缠住。

    Scars seen on the bodies of the whales suggest that 60 % of blue whales studied , and about half of fin whales , had been entangled in nets at some point in their life .

  4. 在该时间段内,共有122头露脊鲸、473头座头鲸(megapteranovaeangliae)、257头长须鲸(balaenopteraphysalus)和大量其他种类的鲸鱼死亡。

    During that time 122 right whales died , along with 473 humpbacks ( Megaptera novaeangliae ) , 257 fin whales ( Balaenoptera physalus ) and scores of whales of other species .

  5. 长须鲸能急速下沉到500米的深度。

    The fin-back whale can dive to a depth of500 metres .

  6. 仍然需要雕刻的副翼,摄入量和长须鲸的基础。

    Still need to carve the ailerons , intakes and fin base .

  7. 形似虾的浮游甲壳动物;是长须鲸的主要食物来源。

    Shrimp-like planktonic crustaceans ; major source of food for e.g.baleen whales .

  8. 大西洋和太平洋沿海水域中的小型长须鲸。

    Small finback of coastal waters of Atlantic and Pacific .

  9. 大长须鲸最初使用低频,他们的全套本领很有限。

    Large baleen whales primarily use the lower frequencies and are often limited in their repertoire .

  10. 长须鲸的声音频率是20赫兹,座头鲸更高一点。

    Fin whales make pulsed sounds at around 20 hertz , while humpbacks sing at much higher frequencies .

  11. 这些发现是在对加利福尼亚湾的156只蓝鲸、长须鲸和抹香鲸进行研究后得出的。

    The findings come from a study of156 blue , fin and sperm whales swimming in the Gulf of California .

  12. 要不是一条狡猾的长须鲸,或是特殊聪明的大头鲸,是很难躲过他的鱼叉的。

    and it took a truly crafty baleen whale or an exceptionally astute sperm whale to elude the thrusts of his harpoon .

  13. 但是,由于眼睛的位置太受约束,长须鲸可能没有立体视觉。

    However , the position of the eyes so restricts the field of vision in baleen whales that they probably do not have stereoscopic vision .

  14. 唐文乔教授表示,从鲸鱼的伤口判断,这头长须鲸可能被人切割过,鲸鱼的死亡时间已经超过了10天。

    Tang said that judging from the whale 's wound , the fin was possibly cut by people , and the whale died more than 10 days .

  15. 这三类鲸是抹香鲸、蓝鲸和长须鲸,它们皮肤上的色素深浅不一,其中蓝鲸肤色最浅,长须鲸肤色最深。

    The three species vary in the amount of pigmentation in their skin , with blue whales being the lightest in color and fin whales the darkest .

  16. 所以,在没有真凭实据之前,我不能承认长须鲸、大头鲸、独角鲸可以穿透钢板。

    So till I have proof to the contrary , I 'll deny that baleen whales , sperm whales , or unicorns can do any such thing .

  17. 鲸鱼目有三科:长须鲸,大头鲸和海豚,独角鲸是归在最后一科。

    The order Cetacea consists of three families , baleen whales , sperm whales , dolphins , and it 's in this last group that narwhales are placed .

  18. 她在英国皇家学会生物研究期刊上的报告中写道,蓝鲸的皮肤颜色比大多数鲸鱼都浅,因而晒伤也比皮肤颜色深的长须鲸更厉害。

    Blue whales , who have fairer skin than most whales , suffered more than the darker fin whales , she reports in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

  19. 他对于分类的理论很有研究,但缺乏实践,我想,他大概连大头鲸和长须鲸都分不出来!

    Well versed in the theory of classification , he was poorly versed in its practical application , and I doubt that he could tell a sperm whale from a baleen whale !

  20. 此外,就跟人类的情况一样:浅色皮肤的蓝鲸受到阳光的损伤较多;而肤色最深的长须鲸,皮肤的异常之处最少。

    And , just as in humans , the lighter-skinned blue whales suffered more from the sun 's rays , whereas the darkest whales , the fin whales , had the fewest abnormalities .

  21. 上海海洋大学教授唐文乔于上周二早间现场检查了这头鲸鱼,他表示,这头鲸鱼是国家二级保护动物长须鲸。

    The dead animal was a fin whale , a second-class national-level protected animal , said Tang Wenqiao , a professor from Shanghai Ocean University , who checked the whale on-site last Tuesday morning .

  22. 那么,把以上所举的理由归纳一下,我认为这个动物是属于脊椎动物门,哺乳动物纲,鱼类,鲸鱼目。它所属的科,是长须鲸、大头鲸、海豚的那一科;

    Now , for all the reasons put forward to this point , I believed that this animal was a member of the branch Vertebrata , class Mammalia , group Pisciforma , and finally , order Cetacea .

  23. 我相信海中有一种哺乳类动物存在,它的躯体组织十分坚实,属于脊椎动物门,像长须鲸、大头鲸或海豚,一样,并且有一个角质的长牙,钻穿的力量十分大。

    I believe in the existence of a mammal with a powerful constitution , belonging to the vertebrate branch like baleen whales , sperm whales , or dolphins , and armed with a tusk made of horn that has tremendous penetrating power .