
  • 网络long-term strength
  1. MgO-SF-FA-MgCl2-H2O胶凝材料体系的长期强度及耐水性研究

    Research on long-term strength and water-resistance of mgo-sf-fa-mgcl_2-h_2o system cementitious materials

  2. 滑带土长期强度参数的衰减特性研究

    Study on attenuation characteristics of long-term strength for landslide soil

  3. C2S在后期则具有一定的水硬性,它对水泥石的长期强度发展是有益的;

    C2S contributed to the later strength of cement because of its activity at later hydration stage .

  4. 进而根据蠕变曲线的特征,以Burgers模型和Kelvin-Voigt模型分别描述了当剪应力大于或小于长期强度时的两种蠕变曲线,并简述了上述工作的实际工程意义。

    Then , according to the properties of the creep curve , we make use of Burgers Model and Kelvin-Voigt Model to describe the two kinds of curves of creep , which correspond to shear stresses larger and smaller than permanent strength , respectively .

  5. 抗渗标号达到08MPa,碳化系数为088,腐蚀系数为078,干缩率降低166%,长期强度(360d)达到407MPa。

    Gauge number of leakage resistance reaches 0 8 MPa . The coefficient of carbonization is 0 88 , while coefficient of erosion attains 0 78 . Drying shrinkage decreases by 16 6 % , however , long term strength ( 360 days ) reaches 40 7 MPa .

  6. 通过等时曲线簇确定该滑带土的长期强度。

    The long term strength has gotten from the isochronal curves .

  7. 硬石膏的流变特性及其长期强度的确定

    Rheological properties of anhydrite and determination of its long-time strength

  8. 岩石流变特性及长期强度的试验研究

    Experimental study on rheology properties and long-term strength of rocks

  9. 用反分析方法研究堆石坝坝料的长期强度

    Study of long - age strength of rockfill dam material

  10. 温湿度变化环境下木构件长期强度衰减模型

    A Long-time Strength Degradation Model for Timber Members Under Varying Hygrothermal Environments

  11. 砂土振动蠕变与长期强度研究

    Research on Dynamic Creep and Long-term Strength of Sand

  12. 矿渣混凝土的长期强度和抗冻融耐久性研究

    Research on the freeze thaw durability and long term strength of GGBS concrete

  13. 黄浦江水系防汛墙结构长期强度评估

    Long-term Strength Evaluation of Floodwall Structure Along Huangpu River

  14. 当剪应力超过某一屈服值后,曲线就成为非线性了,此屈服值可视为土的长期强度。

    This yield value can be regarded as long-term strength of the soil .

  15. 灰色理论在预测高强混凝土长期强度中的应用

    Application of Grey System Theory in Predicting Long-term Strength of High Strength Concrete

  16. 人工高切坡的长期强度指标研究

    Study on Long-term Strength Index of High Cut Slope

  17. 粉煤灰加气混凝土长期强度劣化机理探讨

    A study on the deterioration mechanism of long-term strength of flyash aerated concrete

  18. 为了研究黄土坡滑坡滑带土的蠕变特性和长期强度,进行了室内流变试验。

    The test results validated that the slip band soil possesses obvious creep characteristic .

  19. 成都地区卵石土流变特性及长期强度研究

    Experiment Study on rheologic behavior and long term strength of gravel in Chengdu Area

  20. 土工合成材料长期强度保持率的化学动力学预测

    Prediction of the retaining rate of geosynthetics strength through using theory of reaction kinetics

  21. 试验结果表明,由于黄土的流变特性,长期强度较瞬时强度明显降低。

    Long term strength of loesses contrast with short term strength has obvious decrease .

  22. 堆石料长期强度分析

    Long - term strength analysis of rockfill

  23. 岩体中泥化夹层的流变试验及其长期强度的确定

    Creep Testing of Thin Interbedded Clayey Seams in Rock and Determination of Their Longterm Strength

  24. 相对湿度对混凝土长期强度的影响

    Influence of Relative Humidity on Long-term Strength

  25. 水泥稳定土的长期强度与耐久性研究

    Long-term Strength and Durability of Soil Cement

  26. 软弱岩体流变特性及长期强度测定法

    The rheological behaviour of the weak rock mass and the method of determining long-term strength

  27. 液态渣混凝土的预估强度回归方程和长期强度

    Regression Equation for predicting Strength of Concrete with Liquid Slag Fines and its long term Strength

  28. 华北地区奥陶系含膏角砾岩地质成因及长期强度研究

    Study on Geological Origin and Long Term Strength of Ordovician Gypsum-bearing Breccia in North China Area

  29. 研究了高掺量粉煤灰混凝土的长期强度增长趋势。

    The strength development in long time of concrete with high content of fly ash was investigated .

  30. 粘土流变特性的再认识及确定长期强度的新方法

    The Farther Study for the Rheological Behaviour of Clay Soil and the New Determination Method of Long-term Strength