
  • 网络long-term average;long-run mean
  1. 通过对某工业区SO2长期平均浓度的预测,证明复合多源模式在环境影响评价中具有很好的应用价值。

    To predict long-term average concentration of SO 2 .

  2. 由于中国仍在大量生产用于出口及面向国内消费市场的商品,12月份的PMI数字依旧高于52.3的长期平均值。

    The latest reading is still above the long-term average of 52.3 as the country continues to churn out goods for export and for the domestic consumer market .

  3. 欧盟委员会(europeancommission)也发布了月度企业和消费者的信心调查报告,此信心指数在去年12月连续第二个月上升,但仍远低于长期平均值。

    The European Commission also released its monthly business and consumer confidence survey , which improved for the second consecutive month in December but remained well below its long term average .

  4. 本文根据高斯扩散模式和年平均浓度的计算为例,讨论一个及多个接收点上长期平均浓度的手算法,并提出电算法求年平均浓度的BASIC程序。

    Based on the Gauss diffusion model and annual average concentration computation , a manual method of long period average concentration evaluation at one or multi-receiving point was discussed , and a BASIC program was drawn for computer evaluation of average annual concentration .

  5. 若从这一水平温和收缩(这是政策制定者似乎在暗示的),那将需要多年时间才能使m2降至长期平均水平。

    A gentle contraction from here , as policymakers seem to be indicating , would take years to bring M2 down to its long-run average .

  6. 预计将于本周五公布的欧元区8月份商业信心指数将从7月份的111.0降至110.2,继续高于长期平均值100,与GDP约3%的增幅一致。

    Eurozone business confidence for August , due on Friday , is expected to fall from 111.0 in July to 110.2 , remaining above its long-run average of 100 , consistent with gross domestic product growth of about 3 per cent .

  7. 长期平均浓度计算软件(ISCLT)的特点及功能验证

    Characteristics of Long Term Average Concentration Calculation Software ( ISCLT ) and Its Function Vindication

  8. 文章研究了一种被称为累积显式传输错误通知(CETEN)的新技术,它利用网络提供的信息使得TCP长期平均发送速率更加接近仅由拥塞丢包决定的带宽。

    This paper explores a technique , called Cumulative Explicit Transport Error Notification ( CETEN ), that uses information provided by the network to bring the transport 's long-term average sending rate closer to that dictated by only congestion-based losses .

  9. 半渗透膜采样技术(SPMD)模拟了生物富集水中疏水性有机污染物的过程,并且可以用来监测生物有效态污染物的长期平均浓度.活度与半透膜对页岩水化的影响

    Semipermeable membrane device ( SPMD ) was recently accepted to estimate the time-integrated concentrations of bioavailable hydrophobic organic compounds ( HOCs ) in a similar manner as lipophilic bioconcentration . The Effect of Water Activity and Semipermeable Membrane on Shale Hydration

  10. 断裂的累积位移量至少为280km,其长期平均滑移速率约为11mm/a。

    The cumulative displacement amount is at least 280 km along the fault , and an average long-term slip rate is - 11 mm / a on the fault .

  11. 海力士和台积电的盈利估值符合长期平均值。

    Earnings valuations at Hynix and TSMC are in line with long-term averages .

  12. 某个地区长期平均的天气状况。

    The weather in some location averaged over some long period of time .

  13. 大气污染物长期平均浓度计算及等浓度曲线的绘制

    Calculating for Long term Mean Concentration of Air Pollutant and Drawing Its Isoconcentration Curves

  14. 和“长期平均递增成本法”

    Long run average incremental cost ," lraic "

  15. 面源长期平均浓度的新算法

    A new method of calculating long term mean concentration of air pollutant from area source

  16. 获准的购房抵押贷款数量大约是长期平均水平的一半左右。

    The number of mortgages approved for house purchase is around half the long-run average .

  17. 单一定常点源的排放物在一个及多个接收点上的长期平均浓度的估算

    Long Period Average Concentration of Single Continuous Source Gas Effluent at One and Multi-receiving Point

  18. 气象科学家所公认的地球长期平均温度为57.2度,是1961年至1990年间各年份全球表面温度的平均值。

    Degrees above what climate scientists call the long-term average of57.2 degrees , the Met Office said .

  19. 为何一个企业的短期平均总成本和长期平均总成本不一致?

    How and why does a firm 's average-total-cost curve differ in the short run and in the long run ?

  20. 然而,繁荣的经济环境提高了企业的盈利,现在的利润率远高于长期平均水平。

    However , earnings have been swollen by booming economic conditions , with current profit margins far above their long-term average .

  21. 检验结果表明,两种估计方法都能够比较准确地估计长期平均利率θ值,同时都过高地估计均值回复参数;

    The results show that both methods can estimate the long term of interest rate θ accurately and over-high mean-reversion parameter .

  22. 鉴于收益在上升而估值低于长期平均水平,看涨者认为此次反弹几乎丝毫没有结束的迹象。

    With earnings on the rise and valuations below long-term averages , the bulls reckon the rally shows little sign of stopping .

  23. 第一步:宣布目标将实际联邦基金利率回调至其长期平均利率2%。

    Step one : announce a target of restoring the real federal funds rate back to its long-term average of 2 per cent .

  24. {2}1998年是有气象记录以来最热的年份,全球平均气温比长期平均气温值(57华氏度)高1.2华氏度。

    The warmest year on record is1998 , when the average global temperature was1.2 degrees Fahrenheit higher than the long-term average of57 degrees .

  25. 随着市场近期的调整,恒生指数的市盈率下降到17.4倍,离长期平均数14倍的距离并不远。

    Following the recent correction in the market , the HSI PE is now down to17.4x , not far above its long-term average of14x .

  26. 2007年全球地表温度预计比长期平均值14摄氏度高出0.54摄氏度,将超过1998年创下的0.52摄氏度的纪录。

    The global surface temperature is projected to be0.54C above the long-term average of14C , beating the current record of0.52C , which was set in1998 .

  27. 在那之前的五年,资本支出与销售额的比率就比长期平均水平下降了近四分之一。

    In the five years before that , the ratio of capital expenditure to sales had fallen by almost a quarter from the long-run average .

  28. 此外,自1998年以来,除去年外,资本支出与行业销售总额之比实际上一直低于长期平均值。

    In addition , apart from last year , capex relative to overall industry sales has actually been below the long term average since 1998 .

  29. 零售的长期平均增速稳定在每月0.2%,低于本世纪初头一个10年的0.5%。

    Average trend growth in sales is steady at 0.2 per cent a month , from 0.5 per cent in the first decade of this century .

  30. 该银行表示,新兴市场的预期市盈率略高于长期平均水平,但“并未明显过高”。

    The forward P / E of emerging markets is a little above the long-term average , but is " not stretched " , Deutsche says .