
Chánɡ ān
  • Chang'an;capital of China in the Han/Tang dynasties
长安 [cháng ān]
  • [Chang'an] 长安地名始于秦朝,西汉、隋、唐等朝的都城,在今陕西西安一带

  1. 唐代建都长安。

    The Tang Dynasty made Chang'an its capital .

  2. 这条古道起于长安(今西安),止于东欧,靠近今天的土耳其和地中海。

    The ancient road started from Chang'an ( now Xi'an ) and ended in Eastern Europe , near today 's Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea .

  3. 这条古道起于长安(今西安),止于东欧,靠近今天的土耳其和地中海。

    The ancient road started from Chang'an ( now Xi'an ) and ended in Eastern Europe [ ˈ j ʊə r ə p ] , near today 's Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea .

  4. 西安,古称长安,是著名的古都,也是中华文明的发祥地。

    Xi'an , called Chang'an in ancient times , was an ancient capital and the birthplace of Chinese civilization .

  5. B是的,沿着长安街一直走,然后右转。

    Yes , go straight ahead towards Changan Avenue and turn right .

  6. B好,在长安大街尽头,我的左侧。我明白了。然后呢?

    B OK , on my left at the end of Chang ' an Avenue . I 've got that . Then what ?

  7. 长安麦饭石含众多的微量元素,对有害物质和多种菌体具有强烈的吸咐作用,对pH值有双向调节作用。

    Chang An medical stone contains a lot of trace elements and adsorbs or destroys many kinds of hazardous matter and viruses , favourably adjusting pH value .

  8. 定量研究是通过分析69篇长安大学英语专业本科生的毕业论文中的各种主位的分布模式而进行对比分析。这69篇论文根据其最终分数被分成三个等级,A级,B级和C级。

    The quantitative research was conducted by analyzing 69 theses writings by undergraduate English majors at Chang ' an University , which are categorized into three groups according to their final scores .

  9. 纽约州州长安德鲁•库默一直批评公用事业的飓风应对举措,其中就包括ConEd。

    New York governor Andrew Cuomo has been critical of the utilities ' response to the storm , including con ed.

  10. 大遗址保护的PRED协调发展案例与模式&基于汉长安城的实证与思考

    PRED coordination development of chang ' an City relics of Han Dynasty

  11. 之后再11月4日,纽约检察长安德鲁•郭默(AndrewCuomo),对英特尔提出反垄断诉讼。

    Then on November4th Andrew Cuomo , New York 's attorney general , filed an antitrust lawsuit against Intel .

  12. 长安黄土岩溶泉是通过缓慢、均匀的入渗补给的,这决定了它比碳酸岩岩溶泉的pH低,电导率大。

    The karst springs in the village are recharged by slow and uniform permeation , so the pH values of the karst springs in loess are lower but the conductivities are higher than that in limestone .

  13. 据公开文件显示,该公司首席执行长安东尼兰伯特(AnthonyLambert)曾飞到北京与中石化高管会面,后者随后也曾到访加拿大。

    Chief Executive Anthony Lambert flew to Beijing to meet Sinopec executives , who then came to Canada , according to public filings .

  14. 运用SWOT矩阵分析法、PEST分析法、财务比率分析法和纵向、横向百分比法对长安汽车生存、发展的内、外环境进行了详细分析;

    Analyze the circumstance inside and outside of chang-an car by SWOT analytical method , PEST analytical method , finance ratio analytical method , the portrait percent method and landscape orientation method ;

  15. 长安四府村32~10KaBP期间沙尘暴活动的记录

    Loess Record of Sand-Dust Storm Activity during 32 ~ 10 ka BP in Sifu Village , Chang ' an , Shaanxi Province

  16. 介绍长安大学和北京京威汽车设备有限公司联合研制的一种新型车用加热器&压缩天然气(CNG)液体加热器。

    This paper introduces the water heater burning the compressed natural gas ( CNG ), which is developed by Chang ' an University and Beijing Jingwei Vehicle Equipment Corporate .

  17. 结合长安给定条件,应用先进制造技术基本原理、原则,充分吸收国内外汽车制造企业先进经验,完成了G系列发动机总装生产线总体设计。

    Based on the conditions of the CHANGAN , adopted the basic principle of the advanced manufacturing technology , absorbed the knowledge of the auto industry in domestic abroad , the concept design of G series engine assembly line has been finished .

  18. 英国ULI董事长安迪•马丁(AndyMartin)表示,伦敦和纽约等城市是“它们自身成功的受害者”。

    Andy Martin , chairman of ULI in the UK , said cities such as London and New York were " victims of their own success . "

  19. 在飓风“桑迪”过后,纽约州州长安德鲁•库默(AndrewCuomo)邀请罗丁担任一家委员会的联合主席,来帮助纽约市应对未来的灾难。

    After Sandy , Andrew Cuomo , New York 's governor , asked her to co-chair a commission to help prepare the city for future shocks .

  20. 毕竟,纽约州州长安德鲁库默(AndrewCuomo)近日成功协商出了一项预算案,其中的确包含有一些紧缩措施。

    After all , Andrew Cuomo , governor of the state of New York , managed to cut a budget deal this week , which did impose some austerity .

  21. 据NPR新闻的玛戈·阿德勒报道,纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫已签署行政令,允许选民在州内任意一处投票站投票。

    NPR 's Margot Adler reports an executive order signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo allows people to file a provisional ballot at any polling site in the state .

  22. 墨西哥前财长、经合组织现秘书长安赫尔•古里亚(AngelGurría)目前处于第二任期,他的任期将于明年结束。

    Angel Gurr í a , the former Mexican finance minister and current OECD secretary-general , is in his second term of office , which expires next year .

  23. 现代汽车(Hyundai)计划今年10月之前在北京南部建成一家新的工厂,明年在重庆建成另外一家。而长城、长安等中国本土汽车制造商也正在积极扩大产能。

    Hyundai plans to complete a factory south of Beijing by October and another in Chongqing next year , while Chinese automakers like Great Wall and Changan are aggressively adding capacity .

  24. 建立了长安羚羊3AT自动变速传动综合控制仿真模型,进行了十工况循环仿真。

    Simulation model of integrated automatic transmission control is established , and ten-mode cycle simulation is carried through .

  25. 沿线地裂缝主要包括西安地裂缝、西安长安区的地裂缝及次级裂缝f0。

    Ground fractures along the subway include Xi ' an ground fractures , ground fractures in Chang ' an District of Xi ' an , and geotectonic ground fracture NO.f0 .

  26. 纽约州州长安德鲁库默(AndrewCuomo)承认,官员们对风暴带来的大浪准备不足。河水冲垮了堤岸,淹没了隧道和电力基础设施。

    Andrew Cuomo , governor of New York state , admitted that officials had not been prepared for the scale of the storm surge as rivers burst their banks , flooding tunnels and power infrastructure .

  27. 达美航空首席执行长安德森(RichardAnderson)周三在业绩电话会议中说,达美周二决定让原定飞往特拉维夫的航班改飞巴黎,这是在FAA最初的禁令之前做出的决定,与FAA禁令无关。

    Richard Anderson , Delta 's chief executive , said on Wednesday during an earnings call that his company 's decision to divert a Tel Aviv-bound flight to Paris on Tuesday was made prior to , and independent of , the FAA 's initial ban .

  28. 通过对长安区四府村剖面晚更新世后期黄土样品的粒度分析测定,探讨了沙尘暴活动与土壤颗粒组成的关系及32~10KaBP以来的沙尘暴的活动趋势。

    According to the grain-size analysis of Loess sample developed in late Pleistocene , we discuss the relationship between the activity of sand-dust storm and grain-size of Loess profile , and know the trend of sand-dust storm activity from 32 ka BP to 10 ka BP .

  29. 西安地裂缝是西安地区与秦岭山前长安&临潼断裂有关的一组NE-NEE走向的南倾陡倾角正断面的地表反映,它形成了特有的黄土梁洼地貌。

    Xi ′ an ground crack is a reflection of the ground for a group normal faults with strike NE-NEE and high angle dipping to south , which is related to Chang ′ an-Lintong fracture in front of Qinling mountain .

  30. 长安汽车股份有限公司整体价值评估研究

    A Study on the Whole Valuation of Chang-an Automobile Company Limited