
Yìndù Bàndǎo
  • Indian subcontinent
  1. 这片烟雾里夹杂着悬浮颗粒、灰尘、煤烟灰和其他污染物。如今这片褐云的覆盖范围早已超出了印度半岛的研究地带,正在向亚洲东部和东南部蔓延。

    A cocktail of aerosols , ash , soot and other particles , the haze 's reach extends far beyond the study zone of the Indian subcontinent , and towards East and Southeast Asia .

  2. 马拉巴(Malabar)这个地方在印度半岛西方介于山与海之间。

    A region in the western part of the Peninsula of India , between the mountains and the sea .

  3. 南印度半岛几乎全部由德干平原组成。

    The southern Indian peninsula is almost entirely composed of the Deccan Plateau .

  4. 神秘的印度半岛。

    Raj : The mysterious subcontinent of India .

  5. 本文还就印度半岛对亚洲夏季风进程影响的机理进行了讨论。

    The mechanism of the effect on the south Asian summer monsoon process of the Indian peninsula is also investigated in this paper .

  6. 我发现我们是在锡兰岛面前了,它是挂在印度半岛下端的一颗宝珠。

    I saw that we were off the island of Ceylon , that pearl dangling from the lower lobe of the Indian peninsula .

  7. 相应高空辐散和水汽输送在印度半岛、中南半岛中部、中国华北和东北地区都是减弱的,也表明夏季风减弱。

    The upper divergence and watervapor transport decrease in Indian peninsula , central Indo-China peninsula , North China and northeast china , indicating the weakening of summer monsoon as well .

  8. 汉武帝时开辟了通往印度半岛南部和斯罩兰卡的海上航路,东汉延熹九年(166年),大秦王安敦遣使到洛阳,标志海上丝绸之路的形成。

    Yan Xi of Eastern Han Dynasty nine years ( B.C.166 ), Qin Wang Dun sent envoy to Luoyang . this is the mark of the formation of the Silk Road on the sea .

  9. 南亚次大陆、印度半岛位于赤道以北,北回归线以南,属热带季风气候区和热带森林气候区。

    The South Asian subcontinent , the Indian peninsula is located north of the equator , south of the Tropic of Cancer , has a tropical monsoon climate of tropical forest areas and climatic zones .

  10. 结果表明:印度半岛和中南半岛地区感热通量的变化与亚洲季风的爆发及演变有密切关系,是季风爆发的主要关键区。

    Results show that the variations of SHF in the Indian Peninsula and the Indochina Peninsula have strong connections to the onset and evolution of Asian monsoon , and these are probably the leading key regions for the monsoon onset .

  11. 实践表明,经过20年的革新,越南这个印度支那半岛国家正在迅速崛起,正逐渐成为发展中国家现代化建设的又一成功典范。

    Practice indicates that through innovation for twenty years , Vietnam , a country in Indochina Peninsula , emerging rapidly , is now becoming another successful model gradually for developing country in modernize construction gradually .

  12. 东方(印度或马来半岛)的货栈。

    A warehouse in the East ( India or Malaya ) .

  13. 印度到马来半岛出产的鱼尾状棕榈,;树汁出产一种红糖(棕榈粗),树干的木髓出产西谷米。

    Fishtail palm of India to Malay Peninsula ; sap yields a brown sugar ( jaggery ) and trunk pith yields sago .