
  • 网络The Persians;the persian empire;Persia
  1. 波斯帝国对希腊城邦政策的演变

    The Change of Persian Empire 's Policy of the Greek City-States

  2. 波斯帝国成千上万的族人会突袭你们。

    A thousand nations of the Persian Empire descend upon you .

  3. 他统治着米提亚和波斯帝国。

    Who ruled over the Empire of the Medes and persians .

  4. 随后,这区域被奥托曼和波斯帝国占领。

    Subsequently , the Ottoman and Persian empires competed for influence in the region .

  5. 公元前480年,锐不可挡的波斯帝国大军攻克雅典,雅典夷为废墟。

    In480 BC , Athens lay in ruins conquered by the seemingly unstoppable Persian Empire .

  6. 卢库卢斯入侵亚美尼亚,开始了罗马人和波斯帝国之间持续数百年的战争。

    Lucullus invades Armenia , starting centuries of warfare between the Roman and Persian empires .

  7. 为伊朗光辉的历史感到骄傲(波斯帝国)。

    I 'm proud of Iran for it 's glorious history ( Persian Empire ) .

  8. 他和其他人担心的是一个复兴的波斯帝国,一心想获得区域性统治地位。

    He and others worry instead about a resurgent Persian Empire , bent on regional domination .

  9. 他建立了一个当时世界史上空前辉煌灿烂的波斯帝国。

    He created the Persian Empire , one of the most splendid the world has ever seen .

  10. 现在的乌兹别克斯坦地区在几千年前是波斯帝国的一部分。

    For thousands of years the present area of Uzbekistan was a part of the Persian Empire .

  11. 波斯帝国是同类王朝最大之一,且在当时非常发达。

    Persian Empire was one of the biggest of its kind and very developed for that time .

  12. 玛代王国和波斯帝国,都被居鲁士征服了。

    There was the kingdom of the Medes and the kingdom of the Persians who came together under Cyrus .

  13. 但说到酷刑,波斯帝国也很是让人不寒而栗。

    But when it comes to torture , the Persian Empire was really in its own category of horror .

  14. 但世间的宗教动荡并没有让袄教在波斯帝国享有不可争议的独尊地位。

    But the religious fermentation of the world did not leave the supremacy of Zoroastrianism undisputed in the Persian Empire .

  15. 因为他们住在波斯帝国边上,他们由波斯国王统治。

    Because they lived on the edge of the Persian Empire , they were ruled by the king of Persia .

  16. 口内嚼著三根肋骨的熊代表吞吃了巴比伦、吕彼亚和埃及三国的玛代波斯帝国。

    The bear chewing three ribs was Medo-Persia , which devoured the three kingdoms of Babylon , Lydia , and Egypt .

  17. 希腊人在波斯帝国发动的第三次希波战争中,因萨拉米斯海战的胜利而最终战胜波斯。

    Because of the victory in the Salamis naval battle , Greek triumphed over Persia Empire who launched the Greece-Persia War ⅲ .

  18. 波斯帝国曾统治着埃及至印度整片区域,但是却以阿拉姆语(肥沃月湾的一种沙漠语言)处理事务。

    The Persian Empire stretched from Egypt to India , but conducted business in Aramaic , a desert tongue of the Fertile Crescent .

  19. 他广泛地旅行了波斯帝国、埃及、希腊和意大利等地,收集了大量关于各种各样民族的有趣资料。

    He traveled extensively through the Persian Empire , Egypt , Greece and Italy , collecting a lot of interesting data about various peoples .

  20. 印度&大流士征服了印度河流域地区,使该地区成为了波斯帝国的一个省。

    509 BCE : India - Darius the Persian conquers the Indus Valley region , making the area a province of the Persian Empire .

  21. 就像但以理,即使被丢在狮子坑里,也会成为波斯帝国的总管。

    If like Daniel , you are put in a den of lions , you will rise to be in charge of the Persian empire .

  22. 西欧根本没有治理或联合的迹象,拜占庭帝国和波斯帝国显然下定决心要同归于尽。

    There were no signs of order or union in Western europe , and the Byzantine and Persian empires were manifestly bent upon a mutual destruction .

  23. 塔吉克是由大流士1世统治下的古波斯帝国的一部分。后来在公元前3世纪为亚历山大大帝所征服。

    The Tajikistan were part of the ancient Persian Empire that was ruled by Darius I and later conquered by Alexander the Great ( 333 B.C. ) .

  24. 中东的一个共和国;伊朗曾是古代波斯帝国的核心,年前被称为波斯;有丰富的石油。

    A republic in the Middle East ; Iran was the core of the ancient Persian Empire and was known as Persia until 1935 ; rich in oil .

  25. 在大流士一世统治波斯帝国的时候,他的士兵就在盾牌上烤制面饼,并添加上奶酪和枣椰子调味。

    When King Darius the Great ruled the Persian Empire , it is thought that his soldiers baked flatbreads on their shields , and added cheese and dates for flavouring .

  26. 宦官的记录被发现于古希腊、古埃及、古罗马、土耳其和波斯帝国,然而没有其他国家维持这个制度太长时间。

    Records of eunuchs have been found in ancient Greece , Egypt , Rome , Turkey and Persia , but none of the other countries maintained the system for long .

  27. 德尔本特城堡、古城及要塞是一度称霸里海东西两岸的撒撒尼波斯帝国的北方国界。

    The citadel , ancient city and Fortress Buildings of Derbent were part of the northern lines of the Sasanian Persian empire , which extended East and west of the Caspian sea .

  28. 从波斯帝国到大蒙古帝国,再到大英帝国,这是历史上一切超级强国所做到的,而且它们是通过宽容做到这一点的。

    This is what every hyperpower in history has done from Achaemenid Persia to the great Mongol Empire to the British Empire and the way they have done it is through tolerance .

  29. 雅典以发展海上势力为基本国策,逐渐从众多城邦里脱颖而出,同时还领导古希腊人成功地击退了波斯帝国的入侵,最终成就帝国霸业。

    The ancient Athenians regarded developing the marine forces as their basic state policy , gradually made their polis out from others , led the ancient Greeks to ward off the attack from the Persian empire , and finally achieved the Athenian empire .

  30. 他们的权力被波斯帝国的奠基人赛勒斯和他的儿子赛勒斯二世剥夺,祭司憎恨赛勒斯,对王位提出了竞争要求,他们当中的其中一位,名字为士马特斯。

    Their power was curtailed by cyrus , the founder of the Persian empire , and by his son Cambyses ii ; the Magi revolted against Cambyses and set up a rival claimant to the throne , one of their own , who took the name of smerdis .