- 名Indo-European languages;Indo-European language family

A sound law relating German consonants and consonants in other Indo-European languages .
Where do Indo-European languages come from ?
The Proto-Indo-European base skie conveys the idea of separation , in this case , from the body . Piss
I mentioned in the podictionary episode on recruit that an Indo-European root ker meant to grow .
Further research , carried out by the German brothers Grimm and others , later revealed that most European languages and some Indian ones have a common ancestor , now known as Indo-European .
Close relationship exists in the Altaic speaking populations and Indio-European speaking populations .
The branch of the Indo-European language family that consists only of greek .
The often dental consonant of no Indo-European language .
Yet , Proto-Indo-European is believed to be the ancestor of most European languages .
The Indo-European is the smallest family with only two languages : Russian and Tajik .
Bopp : German philologist whose Comparative Grammar ( 1833-1852 ) illustrated the similarities among Indo-European languages .
The Indo-European language family is the first and most widely investigated language family of the world .
Ethnic Syrians are a mix of Semetic and Indo-European peoples that have occupied the region over time .
A branch of the Indo-European language family that comprises the languages of the Indian subcontinent and Sri lanka .
Sanskrit is an Indo-European classical language of India and a liturgical language of Hinduism , Buddhism , and Jainism .
Dutch , and English like the British , German , Dutch belong to the same Indo-European Germanic West Extension .
Chinese language has two characteristics , one is different from the Indo-European tonal , another is a vocal phonation types .
The general theory of linguistics is founded mainly on the basis of research and analysis of the Indo european languages .
As an independent branch of the Indo-European family of languages , the Greek language features the longest and most documented history .
It helps people have a better understanding of the primitive Indo European Language , thus promoting the research on its derivative languages .
Styles created at the syntactic level would be easier to reproduce in another language , especially between kinship languages in the Indo-European language family .
There are many special characteristics of Chinese in the pronunciation , vocabulary , grammar , and characters , compared with English which belongs to Indo-European family .
English and German both belong to West-Germanic branch , the Indo-European language family , but the two kindred languages do have remarkable differences in their respective word order .
English belongs to the west Germanic branch of the Germanic sub-family , which in turn is a member of Indo - European family , the largest one in the world .
The oldest of these , as far as we know , was the Indo-European family of languages , which were beginning to be spoken clear back during the Stone Age .
A branch of the Indo-European language family that includes bulgarian , belorussian , czech , macedonian , polish , russian , serbo-croatian , slovak , slovene , ukrainian , and wendish .
They are not fit for Chinese very well because the great diversity of grammar feature between Chinese ( a typical analytical language ) and English ( a kind of Aryan language ) .
A nominalized phrase is the nominalization of a verb phrase . Nominalization exists not only in such Indo-European languages as English and German , but also a main characteristics of all Altaic languages , including Uyghur .
The Germanic branch of the Indo - European language family INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES The Indo-European of languages is the world 's largest , embracing most of the languages of Europe , America , and much of Asia .
Latin , the most important member of the italic branch of indo-european , is divided into several historical periods and social dialects and was the most important cultural language of Western Europe until the end of the17th century .