
yìn dì ān rén
  • Indian;American Indian;Red Indian
印第安人[yìn dì ān rén]
  1. 一个印第安人的已婚女子。

    An American Indian woman .

  2. 殖民时代以前,半岛北部是印第安人科奇米尔部落,南部是佩里古尔和瓜伊古拉部落。

    Colonial times former , peninsula north is the department odd metre of American Indian Er tribe , south wears in ancient Er is ancient with melon her to pull tribe .

  3. 印第安人队的进攻强于防守。

    The Redskins ' offense is stronger than their defense .

  4. 加拿大军队拆掉了印第安人设置的路障。

    The Canadian army took down the barricades erected by the Indians

  5. 我们去大峡谷徒步旅行,探究印第安人的崖居。

    We hiked the Grand Canyon , exploring Indian cliff dwellings .

  6. 对印第安人来说,鹰是最神圣的动物。

    The eagle is the animal most sacred to the Native Americans .

  7. 对于很多加利福尼亚的印第安人而言,猫头鹰是圣物。

    The owl is sacred for many Californian Indian people .

  8. 1.7万印第安人生活在亚利桑那州的保留地。

    Seventeen thousand Indians live in Arizona on a reservation .

  9. 男孩们过去常玩西部牛仔与印第安人的游戏。

    Boys used to play at cowboys and Indians .

  10. 我想这概括了最富洞察力和悟性的印第安人的感受。

    I think that sums up the feelings of most discerning and intelligent Indians

  11. 美洲印第安人在举行仪式时用到各种羽毛。

    Feathers of various kinds are used by Native Americans for ceremonial purposes .

  12. 印第安人带了精美的珠饰来卖。

    The Indians brought in exquisite beadwork to sell

  13. 墨西哥印第安人过去常用番木瓜树叶把难嚼的肉包起来。

    Mexican Indians used to wrap tough meat in leaves from the papaya tree .

  14. 采矿已经彻底扰乱了扬诺马米印第安人传统的生活方式。

    Mining activities have totally disrupted the traditional way of life of the Yanomami Indians .

  15. 他们为这片森林及居住于其中的印第安人的命运而担心。

    They are concerned for the fate of the forest and the Indians who dwell in it

  16. 而印第安人呢,则为那位著名作家有教养的、开化的见解而折服。

    The Indians , in turn , were charmed by the famous author 's cultured and civilised outlook

  17. 南美印第安人烹调食用土豆已有2000多年的历史了。

    The South American Indians have been cooking and eating potatoes for well over two thousand years .

  18. 他们像印第安人一样大呼小叫。

    They ululated like Red Indians

  19. 莫霍克印第安人和魁北克省警方之间的僵持局面仍没有结束的迹象。

    There is no sign of an end to the stand-off between Mohawk Indians and the Quebec provincial police

  20. 最早在这里定居的是印第安人。

    The original settlers here are the Indians .

  21. 我认识这位印第安人头领。

    I know the Indian chief .

  22. 美洲高原印第安人的上帝是郊狼。

    The God of the American plateau Indian was coyote .

  23. 他看上去活像一个印第安人,在花园里狂跳乱蹦。

    He looked like some kind of an Indian when he capered round the garden .

  24. 最早在这里定居的是印第安人。

    The original settlers are the indians .

  25. 美洲印第安人过去习惯用彩色泥土涂在脸上。

    It was the custom of American Indians to paint their faces with coloured clay .

  26. 印第安人袭击了拓荒者的运货马车队。

    Indians attacked the pioneers'wagon train .

  27. 安妮拿出画本和铅笔,迅速地画了一幅印第安人的素描。

    Annie took out her drawing pad and pencil to dash off a sketch of the indians .

  28. 正如她在描述孔雀花时所写的,“那些没有得到荷兰主人善待的印第安人,用种子来堕胎,这样孩子们就不会像他们一样成为奴隶。

    As she wrote in her description of the peacock flower , " The Indians , who are not treated well by their Dutch masters , use the seeds to abort their children , so that they will not become slaves like themselves . "

  29. 土著美洲印第安人有句谚语:“注意耳语,这样你就不用去听尖叫声了。”

    The Native American Indians have a saying : " Pay attention to the whispers so you won 't have to hear the screams . "

  30. 苏珊娜将对这些传统食物做一个介绍,并告诉你几百年前它们对美洲印第安人意味着什么。

    Suzzane will make an introduction of these traditional foods and tell you what they meant to the American Indians hundreds of years ago .