
tú ténɡ chónɡ bài
  • totemism
图腾崇拜 [tú téng chóng bài]
  • [totemism] 相信团体或个人与一种图腾有亲缘或神密关系

  1. 从理论上说,傣族没有形成狮图腾崇拜的条件;

    In theory , Dai didn 't have the suitable condition to form the lion totemism .

  2. 正是由于这些遗留现象的存在说明图腾崇拜在当代维吾尔族社会生活中有一定积极的作用。

    As a result of these phenomena existence , Uyghur totemism has positive effect in Uyghur social life .

  3. 这其中也折射出原始图腾崇拜的影子。

    It also reflects the shadow of the original totem worship .

  4. 而盘瓠和盘王是瑶族的图腾崇拜和祖先崇拜。

    Panhu and Wang Yao is set totem worship and ancestor worship .

  5. 汉字阐释与图腾崇拜

    The connection of the interpretation of Chinese character and totem - worship

  6. 商族图腾崇拜及相关问题

    The Totemism of Shang Race and It 's Correlative Questions

  7. 中国凤崇拜是灵物崇拜而非图腾崇拜。

    The phoenix worship of China is fetish worship not totem adoration .

  8. 多幅桌子山岩画图像反映了与图腾崇拜交织在一起的生殖崇拜的多样性;

    Many images reflected the versatility of birth worship interlaced with totemism ;

  9. 图腾崇拜是古今民族相对独立的一种历史积淀,凝固于人们的深层意识。

    Totemism is the deep-seated ethical awareness in history .

  10. 由远古的图腾崇拜和巫舞发展演变而来。

    From ancient totem worship and witch evolved from the development of dance .

  11. 图腾崇拜是人类历史上极为古老而奇特的文化现象之一。

    Totem worship is one of mankind 's extremely ancient and peculiar cultural phenomena .

  12. 同时也有图腾崇拜意识下产生的非现实题材等。

    However , some are the reflection of the totem and other unreal subjects .

  13. 凤文化的源头是东夷文化的凤图腾崇拜。

    Phoenix Culture originated from the phoenix totem worship in Dong - yi Culture .

  14. 其表现出的祖先崇拜和图腾崇拜的寓意,成为别具一格的民族标识。

    The moral of ancestor adoration and totem adoration become a unique national signs .

  15. 图腾崇拜是原始社会的一种较早的宗教信仰。

    Totem adoration is a kind of early religion faith in the original society .

  16. 图腾崇拜与民族色彩观

    Totem adoring and the national colour outlook

  17. 崇虎习俗表现之三&图腾崇拜。

    The second expression of the folk custom of the tiger worship - fetish worship .

  18. 黎族图腾崇拜与黎族传统体育

    Totem and Traditional Sports of Li Nationality

  19. 图腾崇拜属于自然崇拜,祖先崇拜则来源于对亡灵的崇拜,这两种崇拜形式在许多情况下常常互为表里,相互交织。

    Totem belongs to the nature worship , while ancestry worship comes from ghost worship .

  20. 从北方神鹿到北方龟蛇观念的演变&关于图腾崇拜与四象观念形成的补充研究

    Evolution from the northern image of deer to the northern image of tortoise and snake

  21. 图腾崇拜与原始岩画中的生命意识

    Worship Of Totem And Primitive Rock Carvings

  22. 兽面纹究竟是一种图腾崇拜的遗存或仅是一种艺术图案的省略与变化?

    Do these patterns belong to a worship to totem or just an art pattern ?

  23. 论虎图腾崇拜源流及其对古代政治军事的影响

    Origins of the Worship of Tiger Totem and Its Influence on Ancient Politics and Military Affairs

  24. 从禁食到图腾崇拜禁食豚鼠应激能力观察

    Diet Taboos and Totem Worship The stress capacity changes following food deprivation in the guinea pigs

  25. 龙图腾崇拜与中华民族的融合

    Dragon Totemism Harmony of Chinese Peoples

  26. 从自然崇拜、图腾崇拜到祖先崇拜的过程,是古蜀人不断强化人的尺度的过程。

    The process from nature worship , Totem worship to ancestor worship is continuously strengthening humans .

  27. 湘鄂西土家族、苗族图腾崇拜与体育文化

    Totemism in Tujia and Miao Nationalities in West Hubei and Hunan and Culture of Physical Education

  28. 其次,对彝族毕摩绘画中的龙、鸟、火和虎图腾崇拜的研究。

    Secondly , the Bimo painting the dragon , birds , fire and the tiger totem worship .

  29. 一个民族的服饰体现该民族的生活风貌、风俗习惯、审美意识、图腾崇拜及文化积累。

    National costumes show its life style , customs , aesthetic awareness , totem worship and cultural accumulation .

  30. 最后,本文分析了图腾崇拜和外婚制的关系,以及外婚制的三大功能。

    Last , it analyzes the relationship between totemism and exogamy , and the three functions of exogamy .