
  • 网络GPU;Graphic Processing Unit
  1. 几乎所有指令执行时只会占用图形处理器的一个执行周期。

    Almost all instructions take only one GPU cycle to execute .

  2. 该文抽象出图形处理器的流执行模型,描述图形处理器流处理机制的执行过程,在图形处理器上实现了二维离散余弦变换。

    This paper abstracts a stream execution model of GPU , describes its stream execution process , and implements the discrete cosine transform on GPU .

  3. 利用可编程图形处理器加速CT重建与体数据的绘制

    Accelerate CT reconstruction and volume data rendering with programmable GPU

  4. 面向移动设备的3D图形处理器设计

    Design of 3D Graphics Processor for Mobile Devices

  5. 图形处理器的处理速度要快于CPU。

    GPU is faster than the fastest CPU .

  6. iPhone图形处理器可以直接在手机上完成这一工作。

    This is done directly on the phone , using the iPhone 's graphics processing unit .

  7. 基于图形处理器的格子Boltzmann方法计算

    Computation of Lattice Boltzmann Method Based on Graphics Processing Unit

  8. 图形处理器可以按行、列或一个任意的矩形块同时存取N/2个象素(N为帧缓存的模块数)。

    The proposed system permits parallel access to an N / 2 pixels rectangle . The rectangle can be a row , a column or an array .

  9. 基于图形处理器(GPU)的分块光线投射算法

    Research on Graphics Processing Unit ( GPU ) Based Bricking Ray Casting Method

  10. Nvidia3D版利用计算机的图形处理器把2D游戏实时转换成3D模式。

    Nvidia 3D Vision will convert 2D games to 3D in real time using the computer 's graphics processor .

  11. 算法有效的利用了图形处理器中的各种缓存,以及遮挡查询(OcclusionQuery)操作,同时该算法还可以应用于自碰撞检测。

    The algorithm adopts an effective use of the rendering buffers and the occlusion query operation , and can also be applied to detect self-collision .

  12. 随着GPU(GraphicProcessingUnit,图形处理器)的快速发展,越来越多的可并行处理的密集型运算被移植到GPU上。

    With the rapid development of GPU ( Graphic Processing Unit , GPU ), more and more processing-intensive parallel computing has been ported to the GPU .

  13. 基于图形处理器(GPU)的通用计算

    General Purpose Computation on GPU

  14. 图形处理器(GPU)的最新发展已经能够以低廉的成本提供高性能的通用计算。

    Recent development in Graphics Processing Units ( GPUs ) has enabled inexpensive high performance computing for general-purpose applications .

  15. 给出了利用新一代的可编程图形处理器(GPU)实现levelset的加速算法。

    In this paper , an new accelerating algorithm of level set method is presented which is implemented on the new generation of graphics processing unit ( GPU ) instead of on CPU .

  16. 图形处理器(GPU)通常采用流水线体系结构,遵循通用图形接口规范。

    Graph Process Unit ( GPU ) usually adopts a pipelined architecture , and implements some general computer graphics API .

  17. 图形处理器(GPU)因为其独特的硬件架构,硬件性能提升一直非常迅速。

    Because of unique hardware architecture of graphics processor unit ( GPU ), hardware performance improvement has been very rapid .

  18. 毫不奇怪,正是在该领域内,图形处理器(GPU)为呈现提供了有用协助。

    Not surprisingly , it 's also an area where graphics processor units ( GPUs ) provide useful assists for rendering .

  19. 此外,该算法具有并行计算的特性,适合利用GPU(图形处理器)加速。

    Another feature of the proposed algorithm is that it is suitable for acceleration by GPU ( graphic processing unit ) .

  20. 随着硬件技术的发展,图形处理器(GPU)的实际浮点运算性能远远超过同期的CPU。

    With the development of hardware technology , the graphical processing units ( GPU ) is far beyond the CPU in floating - point performance .

  21. 通用处理器负责参数的解码,图形处理器利用绘制方法将解压后的3D模型重新投影到原始拍摄视点下以还原原始视频对象。

    The general purpose processor is used to decode the compressed parameters and the graphics processing unit is responsible for projecting the 3D model to the original viewpoint so as to restore the video object .

  22. 将传统的光线投射体绘制算法在具有可编程管线的图形处理器(GPU)上重新实现。

    In this work , we implement the traditional ray-casting-based volume rendering algorithm on the programmable graphics processing unit ( GPU ) .

  23. 由于图形处理器(GPU)最近几年迅速发展,国内外学者已经将基于GPU的通用计算作为一个新的研究领域。

    With the development of GPU recently , researches have started an evolving field of general-purpose computation on graphics processors ( GPGPU ) .

  24. 近年来,随着计算机图形处理器可编程性的不断提高,GPU通用计算的研究渐渐活跃起来。

    In recent years , with the improvement of the programmable graphic processor , research on the GPU general computing gradually becomes active .

  25. BF算法是串匹配算法中最基础的算法,但它是串行算法,不适合图形处理器(GraphicProcessingUnit,GPU)的体系结构。

    BF algorithm is the basic algorithm in string matching field , but it is not parallel , and does not match the system architecture of the Graphic Processing Unit ( GPU ) .

  26. 英特尔是做电脑起家的,高通的强项在于数据连通业务,而我们的卖点是GPU(图形处理器)。

    Intel started as a computer company , Qualcomm came in through connectivity , and our expertise is GPUs [ graphics processing units ] .

  27. GPU(GraphicProcessingUnits,图形处理器)拥有很多并行处理的架构优势,较适合进行较大规模的并行计算实现算法加速,因而受到了国内外的广泛关注和研究。

    The GPU ( Graphic Processing Units ) has many advantages in architecture processing . It is more suitable for large scale parallel computing algorithm acceleration , thus , was studied widely nowadays nationally and globally .

  28. 立案迅速,查处速度快,办案效率高。图形处理器的处理速度要快于CPU。

    Cases can be quickly filed for official examination and possible prosecution , investigation follows promptly , and efficiency in handling the case is high . GPU is faster than the fastest CPU .

  29. 本文还研究了GPU(图形处理器),并提出了以GPU并行方式来提高算法效率的改进方案。

    This paper also studied the GPU ( graphics processor unit ), and proposed an improved scheme in parallel GPU to improve the efficiency of the algorithm .

  30. ATI的视频转换器,旨在使图形处理器的高清视频转换,是当前市面上。

    The ATI Video Converter , designed to enable GPU transcoding of HD video streams , is currently available .