
  • 网络Turing Award;ACM;ACM Turing Award
  1. 图灵奖获得者JimGray提出了一条经验定律:网络环境下每18个月产生的数据量等于有史以来数据量之和。

    Turing Award winner Jim Gray proposed a piece of new experience laws : In a network environment , the amount of data generated every 18 months is equal to the sum of historical data .

  2. 比如,计算机科学领域设立了图灵奖。

    Computer scientists , for instance , aspire to the A.M. Turing Award .

  3. 2012年的图灵奖于三月十三日颁给了麻省理工大学的ShafiGoldwasser和SilvioMicali。

    The 2012 award , announced on March 13th , went to Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali , both of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology .

  4. 安全多方计算问题首先由图灵奖得主Yao提出,随着学者的深入研究,目前已经细化产生了许多研究方向,比如秘密分享,计算几何,网上谈判,电子投票等。

    This problem that was first proposed by Yao is creative problem in the SMC . Later scholars have done this in-depth research . SMC has generated a lot of research directions , such as secret sharing , computational geometry , on-line negotiations , electronic voting and so on .

  5. 自图灵奖得主A.C.Yao于上世纪80年代初提出安全多方计算的概念以来,该领域已经成为现代密码学的重要研究内容之一,引起了众多研究者的兴趣。

    Since it was initially suggested by A.C.Yao in the 1980s , SMC have been a major part of modern cryptography and attracted numerous researchers ' interest .

  6. 他是图灵奖获得者,也是早期研究计算机科学和人工智能的开拓者。

    As a Turing Award winner , he is one of the early pioneers in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence .