
  • 网络Lasker
  1. 自1945年以来拉斯克医学奖每年颁给在研究、诊断、治疗和预防人类疾病方面做出卓越贡献的人。

    The Lasker Awards are given annually to people who have made major advances in the understanding , diagnosis , treatment , cure and prevention of human diseases since 1945 .

  2. 药学家屠呦呦由于青蒿素的发现和在治疗疟疾方面的杰出贡献,成为中国大陆第一个赢得拉斯克奖医学奖的科学家。

    Pharmacologist Tu Youyou has become the first scientist on the mainland to win America 's respected Lasker Award for her discovery of a new approach to malaria treatment .

  3. 2011年,屠呦呦获得拉斯克奖临床医学研究奖(LaskerAward),被授予25万美元奖金以表彰她发现青蒿素,当时一些中国及西方的疟疾专家提出了抗议。

    In 2011 , when she won the $ 250000 Lasker Award for clinical medical research , which named her the discoverer of artemisinin , some Chinese and Western malaria experts protested .