
  1. 他们向外国倾销剩余产品。

    They dump their surplus production on foreign countries .

  2. 我国陷入了倾销与反倾销的困境。然而,我国面对国外的倾销行为,却没有完善的反倾销法加以惩罚和限制,致使外国倾销者变本加厉、肆无忌惮,严重威胁着我国的经济安全。

    Encountered with foreign antidumping , China 's economic security has been severely threatened for its lack of perfect antidumping laws to punish and prohibit foreign dumping .

  3. WTO多边贸易体制框架安排,决定了防范外国反倾销对任何成员国尤其是出口大国而言是任重道远的一项长期工作,对中国也是如此。

    The arrangement of the WTO multilateral trade Frame has determined that keeping away foreign antidumping is a shoulder heavy responsibility and long-term work for any member country , especially the Big Export Country . China is no exception to the rule .

  4. 虽然我国已成为WTO的成员,但由于我国入世在反倾销问题上的承诺,我国在入世15年内应对外国反倾销时仍将受到非市场经济地位的制约。

    Although China has become a member of WTO , due to the commitments made when entering into WTO , our country is still subject to the restrictions of the status of non-market economy within 15 years after its accession into WTO when China copes with foreign anti-dumping actions .

  5. 应对外国反倾销和中国企业竞争战略的转移

    The Shifted Competitive Strategies Against Foreign Anti-dumping

  6. 多年来,中国经济深受外国反倾销指控之害。

    For many years , Chinese economy has suffered the antidumping actions by other countries .

  7. 入世后我国应对外国反倾销的法律问题研究

    Lagal Affairs Study Regarding to How China Replies to Anti-Damping Law from Abroad After Entering Into WTO

  8. 第四章则分别站在政府和企业的角度上提出我国应对外国反倾销的对策建议。

    Chapter four focuses on the countermeasures against anti-dumping from the view of government and enterprises respectively .

  9. 如何正确应对外国反倾销已经成为我国政府和企业必须认真研究和加以解决的问题。

    How to deal with these anti-dumping investigations has become an important problem faced by government and enterprises .

  10. 我国频繁遭受外国反倾销措施的制裁,这对我国的出口贸易有非常重要而直接的影响。

    China frequently suffered foreign sanctions of anti-dumping measures , which has important and direct impact to our export trade .

  11. 同时我国部分企业确实存在管理不当的低价倾销行为,易引发外国反倾销指控,这些给我国经济及民族企业健康发展埋下了巨大的隐患。

    At the same time a foreign part enterprise unfair behavior of dumping at low prices for our country economy and national enterprise brought great threat .

  12. 为此,中国亦于1997年制定了《反倾销和反补贴条例》,并对外国的倾销行为采取了相应的反倾销措施。

    In these circumstances , China made the first regulation on anti-dumping and countervailing in 1997 while anti-dumping measures have been taken for the dumped products from foreign countries .

  13. 如何借鉴20余年我国防范外国反倾销法律策略演变的经验教训为中国经济发展服务是本文重点解决的问题。

    How to use the 20 years ' experiences of keeping away the foreign antidumping for reference in China 's economy development is the key problem to be solved in this essay .

  14. 如何应对美国等西方国家因非市场经济地位问题对我国反倾销,是我国出口产品应对外国反倾销调查的关键。

    How to cope with the anti-dumping measures taken by western countries including United States on the ground of the non-market status of China is the pivotal point for our export products to wrestle with foreign anti-dumping investigations .

  15. 随着我国加入WTO的临近,外国对华反倾销可能掀起新高潮。

    While China 's entry into WTO draws near , probably a new surge of anti-dumping is likely to appear .

  16. 有效利用WTO多边贸易体制是解决外国对华反倾销不公正对待的途径;

    An efficient utilization of dispute revolving mechanism of WTO multilateral trade is the approach for the unfair treatment by the foreign counties ;

  17. 关于外国对华反倾销问题的思考

    Considerations About Anti-dumping to Our Export Commodities in Foreign Countries

  18. 外国棉花的倾销阻滞了当地生产的棉花的销路。

    The dumping of foreign cotton blocked outlets for locally grown cotton .

  19. 应对外国对华反倾销策略分析

    Analysis of corresponding strategy for foreign countries to conduct antidumping on China

  20. 外国对华反倾销透视及启示

    Perspectives on Anti-dumping to Chinese Goods by Foreign Countries and Its Revelation

  21. 外国对华反倾销原因和对策思考

    On the Reasons of Anti-dumping against China and the Countermeasures

  22. 在美国,各个企业都可以指控外国竞争者进行倾销。

    In the United States firms may bring dumping charges against foreign competitors .

  23. 外国新闻纸倾销中国原因初探

    The Reason of Foreign Newsprint Dumping in China

  24. 中国入世与外国对华反倾销问题

    China 's Entrance to WTO and the Problem of Anti-dumping to China from Abroad

  25. 论外国对华反倾销及我国的对策

    Antidumping Cases Against China and China 's Countermeasures

  26. 认真对待外国的反倾销措施

    Considerations about anti-dumping measures

  27. 就外国补贴及倾销和倾销幅度进行调查,并发布相关初步裁定决定和公告;

    Conducting investigations on foreign subsidies and on dumping and dumping margins and issuing relevant preliminary determination decisions and notices ;

  28. 反倾销措施虽然能够有效地制止外国企业的倾销行为,但是无法约束非倾销企业针对倾销做出的反应。

    Although AD can restrain dumping , the counteraction of non-dumping enterprises aim at dumping behavior would never be offset by it .

  29. 与此同时,许多外国产品以倾销的方式进入我国市场,对我国与其倾销相关的产业造成了冲击和损害。

    Meanwhile , many foreign products enter Chinese market through dumping , which causes the impact and damage to Chinese relevant industries .

  30. 中外酒店管理者经营理念与管理行为之比较关于外国对华反倾销问题的思考

    Comparison of Concept and Behavior of Management Between China and Foreign Countries Considerations About Anti-dumping to Our Export Commodities in Foreign Countries