
  • 网络foreign insurance companies
  1. 从2006年起,外资保险公司可以享受国民待遇。

    From 2006 foreign insurance companies will have the citizen treatment .

  2. 2006年,外资保险公司在我国开始享有国民待遇。

    Foreign insurance companies were treated as chinese companies in 2006 .

  3. 加入WTO后,外资保险公司进入中国市场,中国保险业必须对外开放。

    After our country joined WTO and foreign insurance trades enter in Chinese market , our insurance trade must open to the outside world .

  4. 中国已经加入WTO,越来越多的外资保险公司陆续进入中国保险市场。

    China has already joined the WTO , according to China 's commitment to the entry of WTO , more and more foreign companies will do business in China .

  5. 养老保险基金入市与中国资本市场的国际化加入WTO后,外资保险公司进入中国市场,中国保险业必须对外开放。

    The Pension Fund s Access to Capital Markets and the Globalization of China s Capital Markets ; After our country joined WTO and foreign insurance trades enter in Chinese market , our insurance trade must open to the outside world .

  6. 之后,尤其在1995年印度加入WTO后,印度鼓励私人资本积极参与保险业,同时改革国有保险企业,增进其活力,以此应对WTO背景下外资保险公司的挑战。

    Since then especially after 1995 when India joined WTO , private capital actively participated in the insurance business and initiated reforms at the same time in order to cope with the challenges brought about by insurance companies with foreign investment .

  7. 上海某外资保险公司的秘书AnnieZeng是一位众所周知的果粉,她说,她感觉新iPad价格更高,但并没有提供什么新的东西。

    Annie Zeng , a secretary at a foreign insurance company in Shanghai and a confessed apple fan , said she felt the latest iPad offered nothing new for the higher price .

  8. 麦肯锡(mckinsey)去年的一项研究认为,未来5年内,预计全球寿险业的增长将有40%来自亚洲,而外资保险公司拥有很好的受益机会。

    According to a McKinsey study last year , Asia is expected to generate up to 40 per cent of the growth in the global life assurance industry over the next five years and foreign insurers are well placed to benefit .

  9. 友邦保险是位居首位的泛亚洲外资保险公司,保诚集团紧随其后。

    AIA is the leading pan-Asian foreign insurer , followed by Prudential .

  10. 外资保险公司进入中国的效应分析与政策选择

    The Effects of Foreign Insurance Companies ' Entry and its Policy Selection

  11. 上海中外资保险公司竞争力排名研究

    Sorting Order for the Competitiveness of Domestic and Foreign Insurance Companies in Shanghai

  12. 对外开放背景下的外资保险公司监管

    Regulation on foreign-invested insurers under the background of opening-up

  13. 随着中国保险业加入世贸组织,中资保险公司将直面外资保险公司咄咄逼人的挑战,保险竞争会异常激烈,对于刚刚起步的保险中介机构来说,更是形势严峻。

    The insurance competition will be very severity .

  14. 我国的保险供给方既有中资保险公司,又有外资保险公司。

    The supplier in our insurance market includes national insurance companies and foreign insurance companies .

  15. 外资保险公司保费收入增长较快,但是和三大巨头相比还是不足以抗衡。

    Although foreign-funded insurance company has big increase , it still cannot compare with the big three .

  16. 加强对外资保险公司的准入及营业进行监管实现秩序价值;

    Enhance allowance to the foreign capital insurance company and supervision to the business proceeding to realize order value ;

  17. 对外资保险公司的关联交易另有规定的,按照其规定执行。

    Where there are otherwise provisions on the related transactions of foreign-invested insurance companies , such provisions shall prevail .

  18. 因此,在外资保险公司准备大举进军我国保险市场之际,对我国保险市场的重要主体&国有保险公司的治理结构进行研究,有着重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , the research on the corporate governance structure of state-owned insurance company has very important and practical significance .

  19. 中国保险市场对外开放的实践表明,外资保险公司进入中国市场,既给我国民族保险业带来了机遇,也带来了挑战。

    The practice indicates that the entry of foreign insurance industry into domestic market has brought in both opportunities and challenges .

  20. 导论部分主要交代了论文的写作背景、外资保险公司市场准入的内涵、论文的研究方法和研究意义。

    The introduction part includes the meaning of the admittance offoreign insurance companies , the study method and the study frame .

  21. 外资保险公司在国内保险市场的作用是政策制定者们极为关注的话题。

    The function of foreign insurance companies in domestic insurance market is a topic which policy makers are extremely concerned about .

  22. 一直到1992年,美国友邦公司作为第一家进入我国的外资保险公司入驻上海,才拉开我国外资保险监管的序幕。

    In 1992 , AIA entered China as the first foreign insurance company opening the prelude of foreign insurance supervision legislation of China .

  23. 外资保险公司的正当业务活动和合法权益受中国法律保护。

    The lawful business operations , rights and interests of the foreign-funded insurance companies shall be subject to the protection of Chinese law .

  24. 随着国际保险市场一体化的进一步发展,外资保险公司的地位和影响日益突出。

    With the development of globalization and liberalization of insurance services , the role and influence of foreign insurance companies have been gradually promoted .

  25. 就财产保险公司而言,与外资保险公司相比,我们很大的一个致命硬伤就在于缺乏一套科学合理的对标的进行承保前的风险管理方法。

    The fatal problem for a property insurance company is that almost all of these civil insurance companies are lack of the risk management pre-underwriting .

  26. 外资保险公司通常有雄厚的资金实力,成熟的产品研发机制,有效控制风险的技术与经验等。

    Foreign capital Insurance companies have abundant capital capacity , ripe mechanism about product R & D , efficient technology and experiences of controlling risks .

  27. 中国入世之后,太平洋保险公司不仅面对国内保险公司的竞争,更要面临国外外资保险公司的挑战和竞争。

    After China entry to WTO , CPIC not only confronts with the mutual competition of Chinese companies but also the challenge of foreign insurance companies .

  28. 本文通过对中资和外资保险公司的经营与管理绩效的实证研究,分析了我国民族保险业的竞争优劣势,探讨了我国民族保险业提高核心竞争力的策略和途径。

    This paper studies the operational and management performance of both domestic and foreign funded insurance companies and analyses the advantages and disadvantages of national insurance industry .

  29. 随着我国正式加入世界贸易组织,中国巨大的市场潜力使外资保险公司参与中国保险市场的意愿和信心逐渐加强,外资保险公司已开始大规模的进入中国保险市场。

    With China 's entry into WTO , foreign-funded insurance companies are more willing and confident to participate into the potential market of China with large scale .

  30. 首先,外资保险公司的进入,加强了保险市场竞争程度,导致保险企业保费利润率的迅速下滑。

    First , foreign capital insurance company of into , enhanced the insurance market competition degree , cause insurance business enterprise insurance fee profit margin dropped quickly .