
wài zī jīn rónɡ jī ɡòu
  • foreign-capital financial institution
  1. 对外资金融机构准入法制的完善显得尤为重要,因此应研究并借鉴巴塞尔核心原则。

    It is very important to develop the entrance law system for foreign-capital financial institution .

  2. 外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构须按规定向中国人民银行报送财务和业务报表。

    A foreign-capital financial institution or a Chinese-foreign equity joint financial institution shall submit its financial and business statements to the People 's Bank of China in accordance with the relevant provisions .

  3. 中国加入WTO后,外资金融机构的市场准入将逐步放宽,中资金融机构面临的冲击和挑战将加大。

    The financial market adopts gradually the open policy after China 's accession to WTO .

  4. 加入WTO后的中国金融业面临着具有混业竞争优势的外资金融机构的严峻挑战,但实行金融业混业经营是一个长期的过程。

    After entering WTO , Chinese financial industry faces the rigorous challenge from foreign capital financial institutions .

  5. 随着中国加入WTO,大批的外资金融机构涌入中国,外资银行成为中国金融体系的重要力量。作为中国银行监管部门的中国银行业监督管理委员会负责对外资银行进行监管。

    With China 's accession to the WTO , foreign banks , mainly supervised by China Banking Regulatory Commission , are becoming an important component of China 's financial setup .

  6. 特别是加入WTO以后,与外资金融机构的竞争也使发展股指期货交易成为必然。

    Specially , when China enters the WTO , it is necessary for Chinese financial organization to compete with the foreign financial organization in the field of Stock Index Future .

  7. 在我国加入WTO的前提下,我国的金融机构将和实行混业经营或没有法律界定其经营范围的外资金融机构展开激烈竞争。

    China 's financial institutions would compete with foreign financial institutions drastically which carry out diversification business activities or have no regulation to confine their business scope after joining the WTO .

  8. 加入WTO后,我国银行业市场开放程度进一步提高,外资金融机构参股我国商业银行的步伐已大大加快。

    Since China joined WTO , our banking market has been becoming more and more open , and the step of foreign financial institutions investing in our commercial banks has sped up .

  9. 加入WTO后,我国商业银行将面临外资金融机构在金融领域的激烈竞争,竞争的重点是中间业务。

    After entry into the WTO , Chinese commercial banks will face the intensive competitions all-round with foreign financial institution in the field of finance , and among them the focus of competitions is intermediary business .

  10. 我国加入WTO后,外资金融机构可以在我国兼管银行证券保险业务,而我国金融机构分业经营则明显处于竞争劣势。

    After the entry into WTO , China 's financial institutions are at a competitive disadvantage because of their separated operating mode , while the foreign rivals can actually operate in diverse fields like investment banking and insurance .

  11. 为了适应WTO规则要求,我国对进入的外资金融机构放宽并取消了地域限制,提高了市场准入标准,优化了资本运作的结构比率。

    In order to meet the needs of WTO regulations , we broaden and cancel regional restriction , improve the standard for allowance to market and optimize the struture rate of capital operation for financial agencies of foreign capital .

  12. 加入WTO后,外资金融机构的进入与国际金融资本的流入,丰富了我国金融服务工具和品种,提高了金融服务水平,同时有利于我国金融业整体管理水平提升和从业人员素质提高。

    After joining the WTO , foreign financial institutions and international financial capital will enrich our ' country 's financial service tools and species , enhance the standard of financial service and benefit the whole management level and faculties ability .

  13. 根据WTO文件《关于外资金融机构市场准入有关问题的公告》,自2001年12月11日起,取消对外资金融机构外汇业务服务对象的限制。

    According to WTO file " the announcement about question of market access of financial institution of foreign capitals ", from December 11 , 2001 , cancelled the restriction on foreign currency operation service object of financial institution of the foreign capitals .

  14. 随着中国加入WTO与金融业的进一步开放,外资金融机构进军中国已是大势所趋,由此而给非银行金融业的发展带来了新的机遇和挑战。

    As financial service trade gradually opens to the outside world after China 's WTO entry , it is a general trend that foreign-funded financial institutions will enter China 's financial market , thus bringing opportunities and challenges to ' the non-bank financial sector .

  15. 按照WTO的《服务贸易总协定》和《金融服务协定》,加入WTO后,将有更多的外资金融机构,尤其是规模庞大的外资银行进入我国。

    According to the General Agreement on the Trade and Agreement on the financial Services , after China 's access to WTO , it is envisioned that there will be more foreign financial institutes in China , especially those largest international banks , which will compete fiercely with domestic counterparts .

  16. 关于加强对外资金融机构管理的思考

    Ponderations on the Perfection of Management of Financial Agency for Foreign Capital

  17. 引进了一批外资金融机构。

    A number of foreign financial institutions have been introduced .

  18. 上述金融机构不包括在华设立的外资金融机构。

    The aforesaid institutions exclude the foreign-funded financial institutions established within China .

  19. 设立外资金融机构的地区,由国务院确定。

    The State Council determines the locations opened to foreign financial institutions .

  20. 上海远东的控股股东现为外资金融机构;

    The controlling shareholder of Shanghai Far East is a foreign financial institutions ;

  21. 外资金融机构参股对中资银行的效应分析

    Analysis on the Effect of Foreign Financial Institutions Equity Participating into Chinese-funded Banks

  22. 河南省与外资金融机构在京举办经济合作洽谈会

    Henan Province and foreign investment financial institutions hold economic cooperation negotiation conference in Beijing

  23. 引进外资金融机构;

    Let in more foreign monetary institutions ;

  24. 外资金融机构进入中国证券市场的思考

    Pondering over the entry of foreign ? Owned institutions into the securities market in China

  25. 目前,外资金融机构已成为中国金融体系中的一支重要力量。

    At present , FFIs have become an important part of china 's financial system .

  26. 外资金融机构的进入对东道国的经济产生了一定的积极作用。

    Foreign financial sectors ' entering has positive effects on the economy in the host countries .

  27. 单一外资金融机构在一家中资银行持股比例的上限为20%。

    Single foreign groups can invest up to a maximum 20 per cent in a Chinese bank .

  28. 外资金融机构对中资银行进行股权投资,也有其种种动因。

    There are many motives for foreign financial institutions to make equity investment in China 's state-owned banks .

  29. 过去几年里,已有一些外资金融机构对中国信托公司进行了投资。

    In the past few years , a few foreign financial institutions have invested in Chinese trust companies .

  30. 外资金融机构目前已全面涉足我国的外汇业务。

    Nowadays , foreign financial institutions have set foot in the foreign currency business in China on all-round aspects .