
  1. 目前,国有商业银行相继调整经营策略,大量撤并县域金融机构,尤其是在经济欠发达县域。

    Currently , the state-owned commercial banks have to adjust business strategy , a large number of financial institutions merge the county , especially in underdeveloped counties .

  2. 目前我国县域金融机构设置小而全,导致了经营成本较高以及信贷支持职能的弱化。

    The financial organization in the country land is small and complete , which has resulted in the high operating cost and reduction of the credit aid function .

  3. 通过对当前县域金融机构执行金融基本功能的考察分析,说明应通过金融机构创新、金融业务创新和配套设施改革来加强金融对县域经济发展的支持力度。

    By analyzing the current situation in which county-financial institutes carry on basic financial function , it is proposed that the development of county economy needs financial support coming from financial institute innovation , financial operation innovation and facility reform .

  4. 然而近年来县域出现金融机构规模逐渐缩减,资金投入逐渐萎缩的情况,导致县域经济不能得到有效提高。

    In recent years , however , the scale of financial institutions and the funding to county become shrinking gradually , leading to ineffective improvement of economy .

  5. 本文认为,县域经济与金融机构信贷政策间的矛盾和县域资金供求矛盾体现了经济发展与金融机构的利益冲突,由此提出了优化县域金融体系的若干设想。

    It is shown that interest conflict between economic development and financial institutions reflects by credit policy and excess financial demand , and thus , policy suggestions are generated .

  6. 通过县域银行与其它县域金融机构的可能存在的竞争进行分析,指出县域银行所具有特殊竞争优势,论证了创设县域银行的经济可行性。

    Studying future competition between it and other financial bodies , the chapter draw the conclusion that Country Bank has special economic demerit .

  7. 基于本文分析,笔者提出了支持中西部县域经济增长的关键是县域经济与中小金融机构协调成长制度创新、整治县域信用环境秩序和信贷管理制度创新。

    As to key measure to solve this problem , the paper 's opinion is : system innovation of county economy and the small and medium sized financial institutions harmonious development , repairing the credit environment and the credit management system innovation .

  8. 文章分析了县域银行业金融服务存在的问题,反映出县域银行业金融机构服务制度安排存在着八大缺陷,并就存在的缺陷提出了解决办法和对策建议。

    The article introduces some problems in the county banking financial services , which reflects eight major defects in their services and systems , and gives some solutions and suggestions .

  9. 实证分析结果表明:县域金融的适应性与县域经济发展水平、产业政策和财政政策密切相关,但在当前县域金融制度下县域金融机构的适应性并不高。

    The result is that , the adaptability of county-level finance is correlative with the level of county-level economic , industry policy and finance policy .