- 名county official

[An official just below the head of the county] 官名。位在县令或县长之下。主管治安
县尉得张黄盖。--清. 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》
When Chen Xiang served as the head of the Pucheng county1 , Fujian province in Song Dynasty , he once arrested a group of suspects , but could not tell which one was the thief .
A stratagem2 occurred to the bailiff . He said to the robber , " The xianwei is here , both of us are outstanding people . Do you dare to have a fight with me before the xianwei ? " The robber never gave a damn to the government soldiers . He agreed to the proposal without any hesitation3 .
Chapter ⅳ: The Wei in County is another important assistant in Tang County .
Job-related crimes of District defender .
Even the mail person appointed , should also be reported to the County in which Wei be granted Paper mainly introduces the mail setting and facilities of grass-roots organizations .