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xiàn zhǎng
  • county magistrate;prefect;the head of a county
县长 [xiàn zhǎng]
  • [the head of a county] 管理一个县的行政事务的官员。我国秦汉以后,管理万户以上的县称为县令,万户以下称县长,唐代县分三等,不再有令长之分,宋以后临时由京官管理县政,叫着知某某县事,明清改称知县

县长[xiàn zhǎng]
  1. 设置了县长公开电话与信箱;

    Set the public telephone and E-mail county magistrate ;

  2. 这是一位富有诗人气质的县长的承诺。

    This is a county magistrate 's promise who has the qualities of poet .

  3. 容城县委副县长SongYongliang表示打击行动还将继续。

    Song Yongliang , deputy county chief of the Rongcheng County Committee , says the crackdown continues .

  4. 副县长李志仁告诉CCTV:余震继续袭击该地区,直升机和其它救援人员在帮助受困者。

    Aftershocks continued to jolt the area as firefighters and other rescuers helped free those trapped , Li Zhiren , the deputy county chief told CCTV .

  5. 但金门县长李炷烽(lichu-feng)表示,尽管战争遗迹是不错的娱乐项目,但地雷必须排除。

    But while the War legacy makes for good entertainment , the mines must go , says Li Chu-feng , the county magistrate .

  6. 总的经济影响可能并不知道几个月甚至几年,鲍勃Daddow,副县长奥克兰说。

    The total economic impact may not be known for months or even years , Bob Daddow , deputy Oakland County executive , said .

  7. 榆中县县长WangLin表示:“过去,蔬菜废弃物很少,但是现在,随着人们生活质量的提高,他们对蔬菜的外表变得很挑剔。”

    Wang Lin , head of Yuzhong county , said ," There was very little vegetable waste in the past but now as people 's life quality increases , they become picky about the appearance of vegetable . "

  8. 威尔德县县长肖恩·康威是第三代的克罗拉多人。

    Weld County Commissioner Sean Conway is a third generation Coloradan .

  9. 衡阳县长防林体系结构优化评价指标体系的研究

    Evaluation system for optimizing structure of protection forest at Hengyang county

  10. 那些看他是一位县长。

    In those years he was head of a county .

  11. 副县长最终还是同意了我的请求。

    The assistant magistrate had finally agreed to my pleading .

  12. 舟山市岱山县长涂海水淡化厂的设计

    Design of Changtu Seawater Desalination Plant in Daishan County , Zhoushan City

  13. 县长难为:民国时期县级官员的艰难处境&以甘肃省为例

    County Magistrates ' Dilemma in Republic of China : A Case Study

  14. 县长威廉姆•T•藤冈说,县政府的官员们从未受过骗。

    County Chief Executive William T.Fujioka said officials were never really duped .

  15. 古德温进屋来叫她去与当地县长取得联系。

    Goodwin comes in and tells her to contact the local sheriff .

  16. 自治县的县长一般都是少数民族同胞。

    The head of an autonomous county is normally someone of minority nationality .

  17. 这种会议,由县长召集,在县署开。

    The council is convened by the magistrate and meets in his office .

  18. 2006年,一位支持冲绳独立的县长候选人仅得到了6220票。

    A pro-independence candidate who ran for governor in 2006 received only 6,220 votes .

  19. 县长,有些也是民选的了,许多先进的人物和有为的青年,被选出来当县长了。

    Some people think that the Start of Bethlehem could have been a supernova .

  20. 能受到县长的宴请,这确实是莫大的荣幸。

    Being invited to dinner by the County Chief was indeed a great honor .

  21. 县长是个大烟鬼,什么事都让李去干。

    The magistrate was an opium smoker and let Li do all the work .

  22. 县长顶着风寒亲自指挥战斗。

    In wind and cold , the county magistrate himself came to direct operations .

  23. 这时新县长正好路过,听到后就大笑了起来。

    Then I happened to pass a new county , after hearing and laughed .

  24. 试论市县长经济责任审计的指标分析评价

    Evaluation and Index Analysis of the Financial Responsibility of Mayors and County Governors in Auditing

  25. 江苏日伪县知事县长群体分析

    A Group Analysis of the Head of the County in the Puppet Regime of Jiangsu

  26. 这个县长已经因为贪污受贿而被拿问了。

    The head of the county has been detained for interrogation due to corruption and bribery .

  27. 14名工人已确定死亡,邹平副县长潘玉兰说。

    Fourteen workers were confirmed dead , said Pan Yulan , deputy head of Zouping County .

  28. 从教授到县长

    From Professor to County Governor

  29. 因此,从县长的立场来看,审理每一件命案不仅要有效率,同时也必须兼顾人道的考量。

    In this way each homicide report challenged a magistrate to balance bureaucratic efficiency against humanistic values .

  30. 那位到我家来求喝一杯葡萄酒的县长是个例子。

    The xian official who came to visit and asked for a glass of wine is one example .