
xiàn chéng
  • county town;county seat
县城 [xiàn chéng]
  • [county town] 县政府所在的城镇

县城[xiàn chéng]
  1. 从县城到各乡都通了汽车。

    There 's a bus service from the county seat to every township .

  2. 基于GIS的巴东新县城滑坡灾害风险系统

    Landslide hazard risk prediction system for the new Badong county seat based on GIS

  3. 那一年一个又一个的县城沦入敌人手中。

    In that year county after county fell to the enemy .

  4. 他们赶忙把工作做完,然后动身到县城去。

    They hurried through the work and started off for the county town .

  5. 小小县城只有一家公共浴池,因此天天爆满。

    There was only one public bathroom in the small county town and it was always packed with people .

  6. 加强新型城镇化建设,大力提升县城公共设施和服务能力,新开工改造城镇老旧小区3.9万个

    Strengthen the development of a new type of urbanization , improving public facilities and services in county seats and beginning the renovation communities .

  7. 规划环评中环境影响分析SD模型应用&以四川川南某县县城总体规划环评为例

    Application of environment affecting analysis SD model in environment evaluation project

  8. 位于岩溶区的某县城防洪工程GPS控制测量

    GPS Control Surveying applied to the flood control engineering in a county located in the karst area

  9. 结论安仁县中小学教师HBsAg阳性率高,属高发人群,乡镇和乡村教师高于县城教师。

    Conclusion The HBsAg positive rate of the teachers was high .

  10. 云南省云龙县城狮尾河泥石流复式V型排导槽优化设计研究

    Application of Double V-Trough Drainage to Debris Flow of Lions Tail River in Yunlong County , Yunnan Province

  11. GZ省的一个县城,龙腾云正散步在路上,突然一辆小车向他撞来。

    GZ provinces county , is for a walk on the road is cloud , suddenly a car crash to him .

  12. 削减大阁镇、赤城县城生活点源入河量对降低潮、白河TN入库负荷影响较小,但对降低TP入库负荷影响较大。

    Cutting domestic point sources in the towns of Dage and Chicheng will reduce total phosphorous loadings , but will have less effect on total nitrogen loadings .

  13. 然而B区各乡镇区位条件较差,受到县城经济带动有限,但由于传统工业、旅游业的发展,各乡镇仍保持着较高的社会经济发展水平。

    However , because of poor location , B partition is subjected to the effect that prefectural region economy grows is limited , but with the development of the traditional industry and the tourism , all the towns still maintains a high social and economic development level .

  14. 分析了2002年玉溪市各县区县城环境空气质量状况和污染特征提出应采取措施,减轻SO2,对城市大气的污染。

    The paper analyzes the pollution characteristics and air quality situations of every districts of Yuxi City in 2002 . It points out that countermeasures should be applied to reduce the pollution from SO2 .

  15. 几乎能够对所有的内容进行地理编码:街道地址、城市、县城、国家、邮政区码、电话号码、IP地址等,甚至包括机场的IATA代码。

    Nearly anything can be geocoded : street addresses , cities , counties , states , countries , ZIP codes , phone numbers , IP addresses , and yes , even IATA codes for airports .

  16. 辽宁北西向断裂构造在安仁县城以西,于断裂北侧发育NNW向印支期褶皱;

    NW-TRENDING FAULT STRUCTURES IN LIAONING On the west of Anren county seat , the NNW-trending folds occur on the north part of the fault ;

  17. 核心城区和5县城城区在扩张的初期,建设用地发生在较少的单元上,扩张强度指数AGI较小。

    In the early period of urban expansion in the core city and five counties , construction land occurred on a fewer units , and the AGI was small .

  18. 其中麻粒岩主要出露于佛坪县城南约500m河东岸,呈条带状和透镜状产出,其矿物组成以透辉石、斜长石、角闪石、黑云母及石榴子石为主。

    The granulite facie rock shows lenticulars , mainly outcrops at about 500 meters to the town , east of river . The major minerals of these rocks are diopside , plagioclase , hornblende , biotite and garnet .

  19. 结果表明,交城断裂交城县城段并不是位于基岩隆起区与盆地倾斜平原的分界处,而是位于距该分界东南约200m处。

    The result indicates that the segment of urban Jiaocheng county of Jiaocheng fault is not located at dividing line of bedrock dome area and inclining plain of basin , but located at 200 meters south east to the boundary .

  20. 2001年1月17日晨,长江三峡云阳县老县城背后,由侏罗系砂岩、泥岩组成的五峰山,突发岩质顺层滑坡,体积约5×104m3。

    In Yunyang County at Three Gorges , in the morning on 17 January , 2001 , Wufeng Mountain , composed of sandstone and shale of Jurassic system , suddenly slided .

  21. 距始兴县城45km,总面积达7545ha.结果表明:点抽样估计林分断面积是无偏的,而估计林分每公顷株数效率不高。

    It covers 7545 hectare . The results indicated that it is unbiased to estimate basal area of stand but inefficient when estimating stems per hectare by point sampling .

  22. 城市化进程中县城的发展定位分析

    Analysis on orientation of county development in the process of urbanization

  23. 宁夏固原县城的地理基础与发展前景

    On the geographical foundation and vistas of Guyuan Town in Ningxia

  24. 县城环境规划编制工作实践与探讨

    The Practice and Discussion on the County Environmental Planning Establishment Work

  25. 基于房屋出租资料评估基准地价探讨&以小县城为例

    A Probe into Standard Land Price Appraisal Based on Building Lease

  26. 元江县城沙尘天气成因及输送过程

    The Origin and Transportation of Dust Weather in the Yuanjiang Country

  27. 公园位于县城的正中央。

    The park is locuted right in the center of town .

  28. 县城到景区水泥路面铺设已全面竣工。

    The cement road to the scenic spot has been accomplished .

  29. 汶川8.0级地震北川县城震害原因分析

    Analysis of Damage Reason in Beichuan County of M_S8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake

  30. 甘肃省小县城规划中的几个问题

    Some Problems Concerning the Planning of Small County Towns in Gansu