- county magistrate;court

(1) [county magistrate]∶县的地方长官
县官急索租。--唐. 杜甫《兵车行》
县官日有禀稍。--明. 宋濂《送东阳马生序》
(2) [court]∶朝廷
今诸生学于太学,县官日有廪稍之供。--明. 宋濂《送东阳马生序》
Nothing like having a man on the spot to smooth the way . ; The official sitting in the county seat can 't order people around like one sitting right here .
He soon found himself alone and deserted in the countryside .
Originally in ChineseA man committed a crime and was arrested by thecountymagistrate .
In ancient times there was a country magistrate who took bribes and practised graft .
Case of the trial magistrate Jiaowu Lin Tong , who try to recapture the girl 's husband .
I was called the sheriff , by the & one of the senior members of the Appropriations Committee .
A brief analysis of criminal responsibility ages in the Law of Tang Dynasty Chapter 3 is involved with the criminal responsibility of the magistrates in judicatory activities .
Social Relation Evolution of Emigrators from Three Gorges Project Area The Relation Evolution between the Local Magistrate and the Gentry in the Grass-Roots of Society Control in the Qing Dynasty
In that time , I was just in my16 years old , and as a educated youth , send to a small village in Changbai Mountains for hard farm work .
The third part , examples of a number of domestic and foreign equity inheritance magistrate on the relevant provisions , including Germany and France , with some reference value is provided .
Even though a lot of people there had made their living that way before , they knew that their magistrate was a kind man , so they didn 't complain at all .