
xiàn lìnɡ
  • county magistrate
县令 [xiàn lìng]
  • [county magistrate] 官名,旧时一县的行政长官

  • 今之县令。--《韩非子.五蠹》

  • 会县令摄篆。--清. 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》

  • 县令遣媒。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  1. 从前,有个叫王鲁的人在中国东部的安徽作县令。

    Long long ago , a county magistrate named Wang Lu worked in present Anhui Province , east China .

  2. 潘是一个县的县令。

    Pan was a county magistrate .

  3. 宋朝陈襄在福建蒲城做县令时,县尉抓了一批嫌疑犯,但不能确定其中谁是小偷。

    When Chen Xiang served as the head of the Pucheng county1 , Fujian province in Song Dynasty , he once arrested a group of suspects , but could not tell which one was the thief .

  4. 有些郡守县令也重视本地区的水利兴修。

    Many magistrates also paid attention to the local water conservancy .

  5. 下一任县令会不会和他一样好呢?

    Would their new magistrate be as nice ?

  6. 他非常害怕但县令是他的上司,所以不敢不饮。

    He was very frightened but he dared not turn down Ying Chen 's offer because he was his superior .

  7. 另外一个更大的县需要一个县令,他们的政府看到这个县治理得那么好,就决定让潘来接管他们的县。

    Everything went so well that when another , bigger county needed a magistrate , the government decided to send Pan to take over .

  8. 在潍县任县令时,给巡抚画了一幅竹子,题句曰:下一任县令会不会和他一样好呢?

    Once , when working as a county magistrate , he wrote on one of his bamboo paintings : Would their new magistrate be as nice ?

  9. 陶潜在那个职位上干了大约10年,又做了短期的县令之后辞职,因为他厌恶官场的繁文缛节和普遍的腐败。

    After about 10 years at that post and a brief term as county magistrate , he resigned from official life , repelled by its excessive formality and widespread corruption .

  10. 开元年间,玄宗励精图治,重视官员的人选,亲自考核新任命的县令。

    During the Kaiyuan period , he made great effort to develop the country , attached great importance to the selection of officials , examined the reposting county magistrates in person .

  11. 通过分析可知,西汉的权贵之家和贫困之家子弟都可以通过小吏迁升为县令长,当时还不存在二百石之关;

    After careful analysis , it unfolds that both the dignitary and the need had chances to be the heads , while the pass over the position of200 Shi did not exist .

  12. 西汉县令长的出身与迁转情况,及其在西汉行政系统中的特殊地位问题,在传世文献资料与尹湾汉简的材料中都有反映。

    It reflects the parentage and promotion , and the special status in the administration context of the heads of counties in Western Han , from the information of literature and bamboo slips .

  13. 有一次,晋王召祁黄羊入宫问他:“南阳县缺个县令,你看,应该派谁去当比较合适呢?”

    One day , the king summoned him to court and asked ," now that the magistrate position of Nanyang County is vacant , who do you think is suitable for the post ?"

  14. 郡下设县,由县令掌管。县下又有乡、亭、里等基层组织,乡官负责教育、司法、税收、安全等事项,5到10个家庭为一里,每个家庭都是男耕女织。

    Under the counties , township officials administered education , justice taxation and public security . Under the townships , households , consisting of individual families in which men farmed and women wove at home , were organized in groups of five or ten .

  15. 但此后由于才名冠世,为众所疾,加之因为卷入当时的党派斗争中,遂长年栖迟下僚,抑郁不得志,直到咸宁五年才被外任为河阳令、怀县令等。

    But since then , due to Cai Ming crown the world , for all the diseases combined , involved in the partisan struggle was long habitat late next Liao , depression unsuccessful until the Xianning five years been outside any hayang make Huai County order and so on .