
xiàn tú shū guǎn
  • county library
县图书馆[xiàn tú shū guǎn]
  1. 公共图书馆推广实务&以河南省淅川县图书馆为例

    The Practice of Public Library Outreach Service-Taking the Xichuan County Library in Henan Province for Example

  2. 整合纺织信息资源共建区域特色馆藏&关于构建绍兴县图书馆国际纺织信息中心的设想

    An Integration of Textile Information Resources with Regional Features & A Hypothesis of Constructing Shaoxing County Library as an International Textile Information Center

  3. 关于市、县图书馆业务辅导工作的几点思考

    A Thinking on the Professional Guidance of City and County Libraries

  4. 并提出了发展地(市)县图书馆的几点思考

    Some thinkings on development of prefecture-level city libraries are put forward

  5. 流动图书馆模式在山区县图书馆的应用

    The Application of Mobile Library Mode in Mountainous County-level Library

  6. 绍兴县图书馆空间钢结构设计与分析

    Design and Analysis for One Library 's Space Combination Construction

  7. 山西省地(市)县图书馆员素质现状分析与对策

    The Current Situation of Librarians Quality of Cities and Counties in Shanxi Province and Countermeasure

  8. 这个时期的代表作品有女子学院,大分县图书馆,福冈相互银行,大分县分行。

    The representative works of this period are women college Oita Library , Fukuoka Mutual Bank , Oita branch .

  9. 绍兴县图书馆为一空间钢结构与钢筋混凝土相结合的混合结构,整个结构体系比较复杂。

    This library is a whole complex combination construction , which consists of the space reinforced concrete and the steel structure .

  10. 基层图书馆生存状态忧思录&5省10县图书馆调查纪实谈

    Anxious thinking on the survival condition of county library & Discussion about the investigation into 10 county libraries in 5 provinces

  11. 文章介绍汝城县图书馆直面挑战,营造图书馆良好发展环境,争创优异图书馆服务业绩的经验。

    The article introduces the service experience of Rucheng County Library facing with the challenge and construction of good development environment and creation of the excellent library service accomplishment .

  12. 浅谈县市级图书馆服务的新发展

    Superficial Discussion on New Development of Library Service in Local City

  13. 现代化图书馆的建设&对武义县新图书馆设计的思考

    The Construction of Modern Library Building-Pondering over the new WuYi library design

  14. 县公共图书馆与中小学生信息素养教育

    Education of Information Literacy in High School and Primary School and County-level Public Library

  15. 关于建设欠发达地区县镇图书馆服务网络的探讨

    Discussion on Constructing the Service Network of County Public Library in the Depressed Area

  16. 地(市)县公共图书馆地方文献资源建设和利用研究

    A Study of Development and Use of Local Documents in Libraries of Counties , Prefectures and Cities

  17. 阐述了建设欠发达地区县镇图书馆服务网络的难点、县镇图书馆服务网络的运营模式和服务特色。

    This article expounded the difficulty of constructing county library service network in the depressed area , put forward the operation mode and service characteristic of county library service network .

  18. 在兰博小学上学期间,我对阅读越来越有兴趣。我发现在市中心离克林顿别克公司不远,挨着法院的地方有一个加兰县公共图书馆。

    When I was at Ramble , my interest in reading grew and I discovered the Garland County Public Library , which was downtown , near the courthouse and not far from Clinton Buick Company .

  19. 浅谈信息经济时代县、区图书馆的发展

    Development talking about the economic era of information in the county library

  20. 浅谈市(县)公共图书馆地方文献的收集工作

    Brief Discussion on Local Document Collection Work of City ( County ) Public Libraries

  21. 市场经济下的县、市图书馆如何找准自己的位置

    How does the County ( the city ) Library Try to Find its Position under the Market Economy

  22. 论文通过对一个县的基层图书馆建设现状和存在问题的分析和研究,就发展基层图书馆提出一些建议,从而促进基层图书馆的建设和发展。

    By analyzing and researching the present situation and problem of primary level libraries in a county , this paper proposes some suggestions to accelerate the construction and development of primary level libraries .

  23. 本文论述了市(县)公共图书馆收集地方文献的必要性,从概念、特征、内容三个方面对地方文献进行了界定,并就地方文献收集的范围、措施、方式进行了阐述。

    The paper has expounded on the necessity of collecting local documents by city ( county ) public libraries , drawn demarcation lines on local documents from three aspects : concept , character and content , and described in detail the range , measure and pattern in local document collection .

  24. 县(市)图书馆新馆建设中的几个问题

    Some problems about construction of new sites for county libraries

  25. 论文对当前县(市)图书馆的发展形势进行了分析在此基础上提出了图书馆建设的新设想,最后介绍了作者所在的吴江市图书馆在乡镇逐步实行分馆制的经验。

    On the basis of analyse of the current development of county libraries , the author puts forward a new tentative plan of libraries ' construction , and introduces experiences of Wujiang Library in gradually carrying out the branch library system in villages and towns .