
xiàn yá
  • county government office
  1. 张是县衙里的一个小官吏。

    Zhang was a minor official in the county government .

  2. 但这浮梁的县衙可不一般。

    But Fuliang County magistrates were unusual .

  3. 汉代衙署建筑是政权的象征,体现出了官府的威严。县衙又称县寺,外有围墙将之围成一个相对封闭的区域。

    The construction of county yamen symbolized its regime in Han Dynasty , and incarnated governmental stateliness .

  4. 财主黄喜财自造文字,用以克扣教书先生的薪金被告到县衙。

    The landlord Huang Xicai made a strange word in order to cancel the salary of the tutor Mr.

  5. 就在当晚恶霸宋某人头落地,县衙怀疑相如,派人捉拿归案。

    Then , Song was beheaded that same night . The county government suspected Xiangru and detained him .

  6. 当梁至清来到岷县上任时,他很高兴地又遇见了他最好的朋友张秀才。他也在县衙里做事。

    When he was sent to govern Min county , he was pleased to meet again his best friend , the scholar Zhang , who was serving in the county government there .

  7. 明代中期的一些史料反映,老人仅仅在县衙的指派下承担验勘、调查等辅助性的工作,作用十分有限。

    Some historical data reflect the mid-Ming , the elderly only in the County of Sichuan in the assignment of inspection under the commitment to exploration , investigation and other ancillary work is very limited .

  8. 考察明代县衙的布局和结构,以及日常政务在其中的运行流程,对于我们理解明代县级地方政府的职能及其运作是极有助益的。

    The study of the layout and structure of the county yamen , and the procedure of governmental operations in yamen , is helpful for the understanding of the functions and operations of county governments in the Ming dynasty .

  9. 其次,本文对制度设计下的会审公廨(主要指公共租界会审公廨)与传统县衙作了比较分析,力图揭示会审公廨的职能定位、性质与特点。

    Second , it also reveals the function , nature and features of the mixed court through an analytical comparison between the mixed court ( in the International Settlement ) under the very Sino-foreign Agreement and the traditional local judicial institutions .