
  1. C:我是北京延庆县人。

    C :· I 'm from Yanqing County of Beijing .

  2. 我是奥兰治县人,你单身还是已婚

    I 'm an Orange county native . Single or married ?

  3. 刘明华,陕西省富平县人。

    Liu Minghua , a native of Fuping County of Shanxi Province .

  4. 山东省沂源县人粒细胞无形体病现场流行病学调查

    Field epidemiological survey of human granulocytic anaplasmosis in Yiyuan county , Shandong province

  5. 沈鹏,男,1980年生,陕西汉阴县人。

    Shen Peng , M , 1980 Health , Shaanxi hanyin county people .

  6. 过牧的制度解释及治理的制度设计&对玛曲县人草畜紧张关系的制度经济学思考

    An Institutional Explanation of " Over-grazing " and Institutional Design of a Control System

  7. 杨犁民(1976&)诗人。苗族,重庆酉阳县人。

    Yang Limin ( 1976 & ) is a Miao poet from Youyang county of Chongqing .

  8. 湖南省湘潭县人。

    Xiangtan County in Hunan Province .

  9. 杨光辉(1945&)作家。苗族,湖南城步县人。

    Yang Guanghui ( 1945 & ) is a Miao writer from Chengbu county of Hunan province .

  10. 据信源县人比史前的北京人出现的还要早。

    The " Yunxian Man " is believed to have lived earlier than the prehistoric " Peking Man " .

  11. 杨秀武(1955&)诗人、作家。苗族,湖北恩施县人。

    Yang Xiuwu ( 1955 & ) is a Miao poet and writer from Enshi county of Hubei province .

  12. 杨家吉(1947&)作家、诗人。苗族,湖南泸溪县人。

    Yang Jiaji ( 1947 & ) is a Miao writer and poet from Luxi county of Hunan province .

  13. 李荣贞(女,1945·12&)作家、诗人。苗族,广西隆林县人。

    Li Rongzhen ( 1945 · 12 & ) is a Miao writer and poet from Longlin county of Guangxi province .

  14. 卞国福,安徽肥西县人,毕业于皖南大学艺术音乐专业。

    Bian Guofu , who comes from Feixi , Anhui Province , graduated from the Art & Music Department of Wan'nan University .

  15. 侯仁之,山东恩县人,著名历史地理学家,中国历史地理学奠基人。

    Hou Renzhi , native of Enxian County , Shandong Province , is a famous historical geographer and the founder of China'sHistorical Geography .

  16. 周粲,原名周国灿,广东省澄海县人,现为新加坡公民。

    Zhou Can , whose original name is Zhou Guocan , was from Cheng Hai , Guangdong Province and is a citizen of Singapore .

  17. 年愈不惑的庞玉良是河南省驻马店市上蔡县人,毕业于北京第二外国语学院。

    The more perplexed is the Longyuliang Zhumadian City , Shangcai County , Henan Province , graduated from the Beijing Second Institute of Foreign Languages .

  18. 在汉江北岸,我遇到一个青年战士,他今年才二十一岁,名叫马玉祥,是黑龙江青岗县人。

    On the north bank of the Han'River I met a young soldier called Ma Yuxiang , only twenty-one this year , from Qinggang County in Heilongjiang .

  19. 长期以来,新化县人多地少的矛盾十分突出,就业形势相当严峻,人民生活水平较低。

    For a long time , the sharp contradiction between population and land , along with the severe employment situation have resulted in a low living level in Xinhua county .

  20. 安徽省濉溪县人。主编《诗歌月刊》。出版诗集有《给一朵云》、《最后的道路》、《灰色鸽群》、《死亡秩序》等。

    He is the chief editor of Poetry Monthly , and has published books of poetry including To a Piece of Cloud , The Final Way , Grey Doves and Death Order .

  21. 傅梅,明顺德府邢台县人,万历十九年(1591)举人。

    Fu Mei came from Xingtai County of Shunde Prefecture in Ming Dynasty and he was a Juren ( a successful coordi - nate in imperial examination ) in19th Year of Wanli ( 1591 ) .

  22. 发言人俄克拉荷马医学实验地检署切罗吉族·巴拉德表示,前不久周三时,风暴已造成五名加拿大人、两名洛根县人和一名格雷德县人的死亡。

    Cherokee Ballard , a spokeswoman for the Oklahoma Medical Examiner 's office , said early Wednesday that the storms killed five people in Canadian County , two in Logan County and one in Grady County .

  23. 论文以多种文献为依据,对于南宋著名词人卢祖皋的籍贯问题进行了详细的考察、辨别、分析,从而认为将卢定为邛州蒲江县人乃是一种误读,卢当为温州永嘉县人。

    Based on the analysis of many books , the paper comes to the conclusion that Lu was born in the Yongjia County , Wenzhou , Zhejiang Province in stead of Pujiang County , Qiongzhou , Sichuan Province .

  24. 每年参观这个县的人多达500万。

    Up to five million people a year visit the county

  25. 郑和是云南晋宁县昆阳人。

    Zheng He was a native of Kunyang , Jinning County in Yunnan .

  26. 她给整个县的人都打电话了。

    She 's been telephoning everybody in the county .

  27. 麦县的人从来不这么谈话,不谈这些事。

    People in Madison County didn 't talk this way , about these things .

  28. 广东省斗门县老年人视力障碍及病因的流行病学调查

    An epidemiological survey of the visual impairment in elderly population of a Guangdong county

  29. 岩手县的人再一次在超市里排起长队。

    For the people of Iwate Prefecture , it was long queues at supermarkets again .

  30. 建筑形式的六个决定因素&广西省桂林市兴安县秦人街规划及建筑方案设计

    The Six Determinants of Architectural Form planning and design of Qin Ren Street in Xing'an County , Guilin City , Guangxi Province