
  • 网络County Level
  1. 我国公职人员腐败犯罪呈现出主体高职位化的发展趋势,县处级以上领导干部腐败犯罪的人数越来越多。

    Corruption of public servants tends to shift from low position to higher positions , more leaders in county level commit corruption than before .

  2. 目前我国县处级公务员职位分析还存在一些问题,如:缺乏战略导向,操作滞后,重结果轻过程,内容不科学不系统,职位说明书静止化等。

    At present , there are still some problems in the job analysis of county level civil service , such as : lacking of strategic orientation , lagging for operation , paying more attention to results than process , unscientific content , and the stillness of job description .

  3. 基于需求的县处级领导干部培训实证研究

    County Level Based on the Needs of Empirical Research Training Leading Cadres

  4. 县处级干部对出生人口性别比问题的认知&以广东省为例

    The Mid-Level Governmental Officials ' Cognition of Birth Sex Ratio in Guangdong

  5. 县处级以下公务员也需遵守该规定,但时限仅为两年。

    Lower-level civil servants should also abide by the rules , but with a limit of just two years .

  6. 目前,我国对领导干部绩效考评的研究,主要集中在县处级以上级别,而对乡镇科级领导干部研究相对较少。

    At present , the research mainly concentrated in the county-level and above , but to the section-level , the study is relatively scarce .