
  • 网络safe broadcasting
  1. 电视文字广播接收机浅谈广播电视信号传输与发射中的安全播出问题

    Discussion on the Safe Broadcasting in the Transmission and Emission of Television and Radio Signals

  2. 与此同时,视频安全播出的形势也愈发严峻。

    Therefore , whether videos broadcast safely becomes more serious .

  3. 南方广播影视传媒集团安全播出中心建设项目来源于本人所在单位的实际需要。

    Southern Media Corporation Safety broadcast center project comes from real needs .

  4. 基于安全播出及运行预测的人工智能策略&GB-1广播专家系统的构思与实施

    Artificial Intelligence Strategy Based on Secure Broadcasting and Operation Prediction

  5. 有线电视安全播出的思考及解决方案

    The Thought and Settlement Scheme of Cable Television Safe Broadcast

  6. 详细介绍了广播电台安全播出的技术措施。

    This paper introduces the technical measures for safe broadcast of broadcasting station .

  7. 广播电台安全播出的技术措施

    Technical Measures for the Safe Broadcast of Broadcasting Station

  8. 对电视安全播出的几点思考

    Some Thinking About The Safety Of TV Broadcast

  9. 数字电视安全播出的若干关键问题

    Some Major Considerations in Digital Video Broadcasting Safety

  10. 数字电视安全播出全面解决方案

    Total Solution of Digital Video Broadcasting Safety

  11. 二是要切实提高广播电视安全播出保障能力;

    Secondly , be sure to guarantee the ability to broad - cast the radio and TV program in safety ;

  12. 论文以双机热备安全播出系统的研究为背景,提出并仿真实现了一种基于数字媒体参考信息的双机备份同步播出算法。

    Thirdly , this dissertation gives a Synchronization algorithm of double work-stations ' playing out based on digital reference information .

  13. 介绍应用网络技术对电视台的动力系统进行智能监控的设想,提高安全播出率。

    Introduce the idea about intellectual control TV station dynamic system using network technology and improve the safe broadcast ratio .

  14. 音频信号源系统的可靠性、稳定性、快速切换能力,直接决定了发射台的安全播出水平,是安全播出的重要一环、关键节点。

    The reliability , stability and fast switching ability of the audio source system determine the safety level of radio transmitting station .

  15. 改造后投入使用至今,技术指标稳定,设备运行正常,节约了运行经费,确保了重庆电视台第二套节目的安全播出。

    After advance , technical index keeps stable , equipment operates normally , running cost has been saved , ensured the broadcasting of CQTV-2 safely .

  16. 就电视现场直播中如何保障安全播出、各路信号同步以及保证信号质量等问题进行探讨。

    This article discusses the security broadcast , the synchronization in every input signal and how to improve the quality of singal in TV Live Broadcast .

  17. 标准时间是广播电视安全播出的前提条件,在广播电视系统中具有重要的地位。

    Standard Time , which plays an important role in the radio television system , is a prerequisite for securing the broadcasting of the radio television .

  18. 同时为了保障广播电视的安全播出,发射台也需要一套办公信息管理系统。

    At the same time , in order to make sure broadcasting safety of radio and television , we need to set up an office information management system .

  19. 在模拟电视时代,电视节目的监测采用监视、监听、射频信号分析等综合性的监测方式,有效地保障了电视节目的安全播出。

    During the analog television times , TV program observation adopted surveillance , monitor , RF signal analysis and all-around observation manner , which ensured security broadcasting of TV program .

  20. 基于优质安全播出及持续发展的需要,再加上数字视频技术、计算机网络技术和多媒体信息技术的不断发展,硬盘和高自动化的数字播出网络必将成为主流。

    With the continuous development of digital video , computer network , and multimedia technique , Digital Broadcasting Network based on hard disc and hi-tech must be the main stream .

  21. 通过计算机对电视台标进行监测,实现了智能监测电视信号,大大提高了监测的准确性和可靠性,有效地预防非法信号的干扰,保证安全播出。

    The computer monitor over the logo of TV 's station . It achieves in intellective supervise , with largely enhance veracity and reliability . It availably prevent the interference of illegal signal and ensure secure broadcast .

  22. 如何保证卫星地球站的安全播出质量,如何实现优质零秒的播出要求,是地球站的工作者们需要经常交流探讨的一个永久话题。

    How to ensure the quality of safe transmission at a satellite earth station and how to meet requirements of high-quality and zero-second fault transmission are permanent subjects of frequent exchange and discussion for workers at the satellite earth station .

  23. 使用、维护好电子管放大器能大大降低维修成本、延长发射机寿命、提高画面质量,确保安全播出。

    Keeping the electron tube amplifier in a good state can reduce the maintenance costs , prolong TV transmitter lifetime , promote the quality of the screen , at the same time , it can also secure the safety of the broadcasting .

  24. 叙述键控技术的原理及其在电视播出上的应用,从技术和安全播出角度讨论键控技术应用的必要性、使用场合、实用电路连接方法和应注意的一些事项。

    This article detailedly narrated the principle of the key control technology and its application in the television , discussed its necessary and situation in television system , some items from the technical angle and the practical electric circuit connection method and something should be paid attention to .

  25. 数字化广播电台自动播出系统已经在国内多家电台使用,在这样的系统中主控分系统是保障节目安全自动化播出的关键环节。

    The automatic broadcasting system of Digital Audio Broadcast ( DAB ) has been used in many broadcasting stations in China .

  26. 根据有关实例,从矩阵切换台的选型,切换台位置的合理安排,阐述矩阵切换台在有线前端系统中的应用以及在安全、稳定播出中的重要地位。

    Tells about the importance of matrix rectangular in the safety and stable broadcasting of the front system of CATV from the model choices of matrix rectangular and the arrangement of proper position .

  27. 硬盘播出系统是一种全新的广播电视播出系统,与传统的磁带播出系统相比具有显著的优点,它提高了系统的可靠性,使节目编排灵活方便,安全性和播出质量都显著提高。

    Hard disk broadcasting system is a kind of new broadcast television broadcast system , which has remarkable merits by comparing with the traditional tape broadcasts system . It have improved systematic dependability . It is convenient for the program to edit and rehearse .

  28. 户外现场直播节目信号的安全传输及安全播出

    Secure Signal Transmission and Broadcast in Outdoor Live Broadcast

  29. 对户外现场直播节目信号的安全传输及安全播出提出一些看法。

    This text offers some proposals to secure signal transmission and broadcast in outdoor live broadcast .

  30. 介绍了采用不间断电源UPS,进一步加强设备供电的安全,确保广播电视节目的安全优质播出。

    UPS can further enhance the security of power supply equipment , ensuring safe and high-quality radio and television broadcasting .