
  • 网络quiet street
  1. 没有多少生气的安静街道。

    A quiet street where there 's not much life .

  2. 并且享受这个城市的安静的街道和小公园。

    And enjoy the city 's quiet streets and small parks .

  3. 银行的前面有一条安静的街道。

    There is a quiet street in front of the bank .

  4. 安静的街道上只有少数行人。

    Only a few people walk on the quiet streets .

  5. 布拉德利坐在窗口,眼睛直盯着安静的街道。

    Bradley sat by the window and stared at the quiet street .

  6. 在我们这条安静的街道上。

    On such a peaceful street .

  7. 天黑之后,我到了那家酒店。它坐落在一条安静的街道上,是一座外墙用玻璃装饰的现代建筑。

    I arrived after dark at the hotel located on a quiet street in a modern , glassed-in building .

  8. 一天下午晚些时候,马修想去时代广场,而我选择在旅馆边这条安静的街道上散散步。

    One late afternoon , Matt decided to go to Times Square , andI opted to take a small walk on our quiet street .

  9. 一个男人和他的一个小男孩走在一条安静的街道上,前者弯下腰捡起了一只丢在路旁的手套。

    A man and a boy were walking along a quiet street when the former bent down and picked up a glove lying in the load .

  10. 在沥青和碎石里添加从轮胎碎片中回收的废胶末,再铺成柏油路,这样工程师可以设计出更加安静的街道。

    By adding rubber " crumbs , " reclaimed from shredded tyres , to the bitumen and crushed stone used to make asphalt , engineers are designing quieter streets .

  11. 堡握特花园14号是伦敦北城的一条安静的街道上的一座老房子。简掏出信,按了按门铃。可什么也没有发生。

    14 Bowater Gardens was an old house in a quiet street in north London . Jane took the letter out of her bag , and rang the bell . Nothing happened .

  12. 当时,小镇中心有一条安静的街道,他们在那里的餐馆和茶馆里流连忘返。相对而言,中国人和跟团旅游的外国人,则更喜欢住在桂林的豪华酒店里。

    Those travelers , most of them foreigners , lingered at restaurants and teahouses on a quiet street in the middle of town , while Chinese and outsiders on package tours preferred to stay in plush hotels in Guilin .

  13. 英国某条安静的郊区街道近日从数千英尺的高空天降男尸,看起来死者是一名藏在飞机起落架上的偷渡者。

    A stowaway fell thousands of feet from a plane on to a quiet suburban street after apparently hiding in the landing gear .

  14. 英国某条安静的郊区街道近日从数千英尺的高空“天降”男尸,看起来死者是一名藏在飞机起落架上的偷渡者。这名死者来自北非,现年30多岁,事发地点位于富裕的伦敦郊区,处于希思罗机场航线下方。

    A stowaway fell thousands of feet from a plane on to a quiet suburban street after apparently hiding in the landing gear . The body of the victim , in his thirties and from North Africa , was discovered in an affluent London neighbourhood under the Heathrow flight path .

  15. SweetEnvy坐落在北霍巴特郊区一处安静的住宅区街道上。

    Sweet Envy lies on a quiet residential street in the suburb of North Hobart .

  16. 但是,走过安静、狭窄的街道,它所隐藏的美丽会迅速展现出来。

    But a walk through the quiet , narrow streets quickly reveals its hidden beauty .

  17. 甚至当我在这个平平常常的早晨走近它,走上这些安静而平常的街道时,我的心就开始怦怦跳。

    Even approaching it on this ordinary blue-sky morning , on these calm and everyday streets , my heart starts to pound .

  18. 我们在这条安静的住宅区街道上的新店已开张数月,客人不是很多。

    EXAMPLE : For several months after we opened our new shop on a quiet , residential street , our customers were few and far between .