
  1. 最后对安平丝网进行的调查问卷进行数据的总结以及结果分析。

    At last I summarize the result of the questionnaire and analyze the result .

  2. 丝网网络信息服务平台是从安平丝网行业的实际情况出发,结合企业交易管理的特点设计的服务系统,为丝网企业的网上交易提供了买卖双方的信息服务。

    The wire mesh network service platform is from the wire mesh industry Anping actual situation , Business combination transaction management features designed to service .

  3. 并以安平丝网产业集群为案例,对安平丝网产业集群生命周期进行划分并详细分析了政府和市场在其发展过程中的具体作用。

    Taking Anping screen industrial clusters as a case , I divide its life cycle and analyze the function of government and market in the development process .