
  • 网络anhua dark tea
  1. 安化黑茶文化底蕴深厚,千年茶史可圈可点。

    Anhua dark tea has a rich culture background in the long tea history .

  2. 此后,安化黑茶主销西北茶市数百年。

    Since then , the business of Anhua dark tea continued in the Northwest for hundreds of years .

  3. 明万历二十三年(公元1595年),安化黑茶被朝廷正式定为运销西北的官茶。

    In1595 during Ming Dynasty , Anhua dark tea has been officially designated as the official tea for sale in the Northwest .

  4. 目前来看,安化黑茶每年出产量很高,却因没有让消费者记得住的品牌而创造不出可观的产值。

    Now the status quo of Anhua Dark Tea is that with a high yearly production , is still cannot create a considerable output value because it has no brand that can be memorized by the consumers .

  5. 以传统黑茶文化为灵魂,结合湖湘地域文化特色和书籍装帧艺术,展现给消费者一种潇湘印象&安化黑茶的视觉冲击。

    Based on the traditional tea culture as the soul , combined with the characteristics of regional culture and the art of book binding , to show consumers a " Xiaoxiang impression " & Anhua tea visual impact .