
  1. 辣条还引起了英国电影摄制组的注意。二月份,BBC播出了三集纪录片《中国新年》,片中两位主持人手里拿着辣条,在中国一个典型的小吃街闲逛。一个月之后,辣条热开始兴起。

    The latiao fervor came one month after it caught the attention of a British film crew , and in February , the BBC aired a three-part documentary on Chinese New Year celebrations in which the two presenters were seen roaming a typical Chinese snack street , latiao in hand .

  2. 许多人都投诉吃过辣条后腹泻、胃痛。

    Many have complained about diarrhea and stomachache after eating the snack .

  3. “最受欢迎的零食辣条”也成为了新浪微博的“热门话题”。

    Latiaomostpopularsnack became one of the " most-trending " on microblog Sina Weibo .

  4. 最近,河南一家辣条作坊肮脏的制作场所成了新闻头条。

    A story about latiao being made in dirty workshops in Henan generated headlines recently .

  5. 忘记馒头和臭豆腐吧,来看看最新流行的中国小吃--辣条!

    Forget about steamed buns and smelly tofu , and meet the hot new Chinese snack -- latiao !

  6. 不过对于辣条走向国际化,并不是每个人都很乐于看到的。因为作为一种零食,它的生产场所往往不卫生。

    Not everyone is pleased to see latiao in the international spotlight , as the snack is often produced in unhygienic circumstances .

  7. 而在亚马逊上搜索“中国零食”,弹出的第一项结果就是辣条,每包售价12.99美元。

    Searching " Chinese snacks " on amazon.com , latiao is the first item to pop up , with each packet priced at 12.99 dollars .

  8. 最近,一名海外留学生在网上贴出了他的外国同学非常“享受”辣条的视频,使得这个零食跃入了国内外的视线,名声大噪。

    The snack leapt to national and international fame recently when an overseas Chinese student posted a picture of his foreign classmates " enjoying " the snack online .

  9. 六合食品检测官员徐子晨表示,当地政府已经关闭了很多不合格的辣条生产厂商,或者升级他们的设备以保证食品安全。

    Xu Zichen , the Luhe food inspection official , said the local government has closed many unqualified latiao makers or upgraded their facilities to guarantee food safety .

  10. 在易趣网上排名前十的“中国零食”中,有4项都是不同包装的辣条,价格从10.33美元到25美元不等。

    Of the top ten " Chinese snacks " on eBay , four items are latiao in different packagings , with prices ranging from 10.33 dollars to 25 dollars .

  11. 京晶:你为什么不带上这些白巧克力以防万一呢.你试过辣条以后,白巧克力会帮助安抚你的味蕾。

    Why don 't you take one of these white chocolates as a backup . After you 've tried the spicy stick , white chocolate can help soothe your taste buds .

  12. 马克:从流行性视频的角度来看,每一个都表现了某个人稍微尝了一口辣条,然后对有多辣做出反应。

    Mark : I guess , in a viral video sort of way . Each one of those videos just shows someone taking a bite of a spicy stick and then reacting to how spicy it was .

  13. 在美国留学的小刘表示,辣条是他小时候非常喜爱的零食,但自从他到了美国,就只能从网上买到了。

    Liu , a Chinese student studying in New York , said latiao was a favorite snack since he was a child , but after arriving in the United States , he had to buy it on the Internet .

  14. 该纪录片的剧照也被转发到了微信,激发了网友们的爱国主义情怀,许多人惊呆了,甚至感到震撼。外国人也会对中国这么不起眼的辣条发狂,要知道这东西售价才0.5元(8美分)。

    A still from the documentary , also posted on WeChat , fueled a sense of online patriotism , with many shocked -- horrified , even -- that foreigners would go nuts over the humble latiao , which costs as little as 0.5 yuan ( 8 U.S. cents ) . \#