
là jiāo shuǐ
  • chili water
  1. 事实上,很多人认为,JohnPike,现在臭名昭著的向群众喷辣椒水条子是不应该受到责备的。

    Indeed , some people argue that John Pike , the now infamous pepper-spray cop , was not accountable .

  2. 那些鱼死在辣椒水里面了吗?

    Did some fish die in spicy water ?

  3. 他还被控对一名试图劝架的围观者喷辣椒水。

    He is also alleged to have pepper-sprayed an onlooker who tried to intervene .

  4. 可谁都知道,被喷辣椒水有多难受。

    But everyone knew how afflictive it was to have eyes spouted by capsicum spray .

  5. 康作茹说,她的朋友就是据称被喷辣椒水的围观者,随后因眼部受伤入院接受治疗。

    Ms Kang said she was friends with the passer-by who had allegedly been pepper-sprayed and then treated in hospital for eye injuries .

  6. 首先,本文以魏某和刘某采取泼洒辣椒水劫取财物等案为切入点,对案例中所反映的问题进行归纳。

    First , the paper splashed with Wie and Liu to take the case of pepper robbed of property such as the starting point , the case reflected on the issues summarized .

  7. 方舟子是中国最坚定的伪科学及学术造假打假者。周日在北京的住所附近,他遭到两名埋伏歹徒辣椒水和铁锤的袭击。

    Fang Zhouzi , China 's most steadfast fighter against pseudoscience and academic fraud , was ambushed by two suspects using pepper spray and iron hammer near his residence in Beijing on Sunday .

  8. 他说话不多,但有时审讯回来后说:“今天又喝了许多水啦!”言外之意,是日本人给他从鼻子里灌辣椒水逼他招供。

    He didn 't tell much but sometimes he would say after a session with the Japanese that he had had much cold water to drink , meaning they had forced water through his nose to make him confess .

  9. 结果表明:①低浓度(0.01g/mL)的辣椒水浸提液对生菜和大白菜种子发芽率、发芽指数、幼苗根长和苗长均表现为促进作用;

    The results were following : ① Lower concentration ( 0.01 g / mL ) of hot pepper plant aqueous extract has strong stimulating effect on the seed germination rate , germination index , seedling root length and shoot length of Chinese cabbage and lettuce ;

  10. 辣椒植株水浸提液对生菜和大白菜化感作用的初步研究

    Allelopathic Study on Aqueous Extract From Hot Pepper Plant on Lettuce and Chinese Cabbage

  11. 辣椒植株水浸提液化感作用的初步研究

    Allelopathy of Aqueous Extract From Hot Pepper Plant

  12. 辣椒植株水浸液对辣椒和番茄种子萌发的自毒作用

    Autotoxicity of Aqueous Extract of Hot Pepper Plant on Seed Germination of Hot Pepper and Tomato

  13. 灌水控制上限对辣椒耗水及产量的试验研究限量灌水造林中穴底层施保水剂的效应

    Experimental Study on Optimum Irrigation Index for Water Consumption and Yield of Pepper ; Effects of Water-Holding Agent on Tree Planting under Limited Irrigation

  14. 将姜汁压出,加入酱油,醋,糖,玉米淀粉,1/4茶匙的碎辣椒和1杯水,一起搅拌。将酱汁放置一边。

    Press out ginger juice ( see below ); whisk in soy sauce , vinegar , sugar , cornstarch , 1 / 4 teaspoon ground pepper , and1 cup water ; set sauce aside .

  15. 可是ManuelQuiroz不但可以大口吃下几十根墨西哥最辣的辣椒,还能将它们涂在皮肤上,甚至将辣椒水喷入眼睛而不会疯狂眨眼。

    But Manuel Quiroz can guzzle ( 2 ) down dozens of Mexico 's spiciest chilies , rub them on his skin and even squeeze their juice into his eyes without so much as blinking .