
  • 网络Buffalo wings;hot wing;Spicy Chicken Wings
  1. 在红色座椅的商务车中,乘客们正品尝着配送的食物。里面有米饭,配以辣鸡翅、蔬菜和猪肉。他们还可以观看专属的电视。

    In the red seats of business class , passengers ate a complementary meal of rice with spicy chicken wings , vegetables and pork , and watched personal TV sets .

  2. 当然,你在胃肠努力搅拌一个腊肠馅饼、一磅辣鸡翅和半个椰子鲜奶油派的时候,的确很难进入超越自我的状态。

    It only stands to reason that you 'll have trouble gliding lightly into transcendence when your guts are struggling to churn through a sausage calzone , a pound of buffalo wings and half a coconut cream pie .

  3. 我想要在餐前来点辣鸡翅。

    I 'd also like some pungency wings for appetizer .

  4. 香辣鸡翅让大部分的人吮指回味乐无穷、欲罢不能。

    Buffalo wings leave most people licking their fingers and begging for more .

  5. 那是我打算用来做开胃菜的水牛翅(香辣鸡翅)。

    That 's the Buffalo wings I plan to serve as an hors d'oeuvre .

  6. 香辣鸡翅与蓝乳酪调味酱和芹菜茎作最佳的搭配,让大部分的人吮指回味乐无穷、欲罢不能。

    Best served with blue cheese dressing and celery sticks , Buffalo wings leave most people licking their fingers and begging for more .

  7. 而据说灯光也会影响咖啡厅和餐馆里客人的选择。光线明亮意味着,他们更有可能选择香辣鸡翅;而灯光昏暗时,客人会选择更为香醇柔和的咖啡,例如一杯卡布奇诺,而不会是意大利特浓咖啡。

    Lighting is also said to play a part in the choices people make in cafes and restaurants , with bright lights meaning they are more likely to choose spicier wings and dim lights leading to more mellow choices such as a cappuccino over an espresso .