
  • 网络sinha;Singh;Singha
  1. 上周,英国金融服务管理局(FinancialServicesAuthority)对辛哈处以280万英镑的罚款,这是其有史以来就不涉及市场舞弊的违规行为对个人开出的最大罚单。

    This week Britain 's Financial Services Authority hit Ravi Shankar Sinha with a £ 2.8m financial penalty , the biggest ever imposed on an individual for an infringement not related to market abuse .

  2. 辛哈表示,油价的任何上涨仍会对美元走势造成影响。

    Mr Sinha says the dollar remains vulnerable to any rise in the price of oil .

  3. 这就是为什么当警方决定不对辛哈的行为展开全面刑事调查时,人们仿佛嗅到了双重标准的味道。

    Which is why the decision not to push ahead with a full criminal inquiry into Mr Sinha 's conduct smacks of double standards .

  4. 这个评估在他与印度外长辛哈首次晤谈中就获得验证:辛哈告诉他不打算与巴基斯坦对话。

    The evaluation was proved during his first talks with Indian Foreign Minister singh , who told him that he did not plan to talk to pakistan .

  5. 辛哈辩解说,如果他事先请示,总部应该也会同意他收取这笔实际上可谓是无缘由的费用。

    Mr Sinha 's defence that he would have been given permission by head office to charge what were , in effect , fees for nothing had he asked beforehand may be self-serving nonsense .

  6. 辛哈教授的队友包括一名语言学家和人类学家。他们在阿莫达瓦生活了两个月,研究部落语言如何表达“下周”或“去年”这些时间概念。

    Prof Sinha and his team , including a linguist and anthropologist , spent eight weeks with the Amondawa researching how their language conveys concepts like " next week " or " last year " .

  7. 与米西拉会谈后,史卓预定会见印度企业界人士,磋商英国与印度的贸易问题,然后他将会见印度外交部长辛哈,并于今天下午举行一次记者会。

    After the talks with mishra , straw is expected to meet the Indian business circle to discuss the trade issues between Britain and India and then he will meet Indian Foreign Minister Singh and hold a press conference this afternoon .