
  • 网络Michael Corbat;korba;Mike Corbat;Cordoba
  1. 如果没有做到,花旗银行CEO迈克尔科尔巴的饭碗可就难保了。

    If it doesn 't , that could lead to questions about the job security of Citi CEO Michael Corbat .

  2. 科尔巴则表示,花旗集团相信这一和解符合股东的最佳利益,并令我们能够放下包袱,将注意力集中于未来而不是过去。

    Mr Corbat said Citi believed the settlement is in the best interests of our shareholders , and allows us to move forward and to focus on the future , not the past .

  3. 印度中部恰蒂斯加尔邦科尔巴镇上日前诞生了一名女婴,人们发现她的心脏长在了体外,且被一只手紧紧攥住不放。医生们正在全力挽救这个女婴的生命。

    Indian doctors are struggling to save a baby girl born with an external heart which she was holding in one of her hands at the time of her birth , a doctor said on Sunday .