
  • 网络TECHNO;Techno dance;techno-pop
  1. 但是在她的新音乐视频HelloKitty中,AvrilLavigne进行了一百八十度大转变,将自己打造成科技舞曲女神。

    But for her latest music video Hello Kitty Avril Lavigne has taken a dramatic turn , transforming herself into a techno goddess .

  2. 《爱与科技舞曲的沙皇:短篇小说集》(TheTsarOfLoveAndTechno:Stories),安东尼马拉(AnthonyMarra)著,(Hogarth出版社,25美元)。彼此关联的短篇小说发生在一个俄国工业城市,叙事天衣无缝,不时闪现黑色幽默。

    THE TSAR OF LOVE AND TECHNO : Stories . By Anthony Marra . ( Hogarth , $ 25 . ) Interconnected stories set in a Russian industrial city are seamlessly narrated , with flashes of dark humor .

  3. 这位29岁的女孩把头发染成了彩虹色,在视频影片中随着科技舞曲的节奏边唱英日文歌词边跳鬼步舞。

    The 29-year-old displays rainbow coloured hair and a side shave as she sings in both Japanese and English to a driving techno beat and dub step breakdown in the short film .

  4. 影片在香港和对过去的闪回之间来回切换,通过科技舞曲,对美国国家安全局项目的简要介绍,以及用复杂的摄影技巧营造出的紧张的监控场面,快节奏地介绍了斯诺登的经历。

    Cutting between Snowden in Hong Kong and flashbacks to his past , the film speeds through Snowden 's biography with the help of techno music , snappy explanations of N.S.A. programs and tricky camerawork to build in the tension of surveillance .