
  • 网络Seoul Peace Prize
  1. 潘基文是韩国人。星期二,潘基文在接受2012年首尔和平奖时做出了上述表示。

    Mr. Ban , a South Korean , made his comments Tuesday as he received the 2012 Seoul Peace Prize .

  2. 评选委员会说,潘基文在解决和防止国际冲突方面做出了杰出贡献,因此授予他2012年首尔和平奖。

    Mr. Ban was chosen for the Seoul Peace Prize because of what the selection committee called his outstanding achievements in resolving and preventing international conflicts .

  3. 潘基文是第一位获得首尔和平奖的韩国人。

    He is the first Korean to receive the prize .