
  1. 他于1955年带队首攀世界第三高峰——干城章嘉峰。

    In 1955 he led the first ascent of Kangchenjunga , the world 's third highest mountain .

  2. 移动或增加锚栓可能改变路线的原貌,让首攀者的努力付之东流。

    Adding or moving bolts may alter the nature of the climb and devalue the efforts of the first ascent .

  3. 首攀者须慎重考虑每一个固定支点的位置,并将安全、环境和攀登伦理纳入全盘考量,这是十分重要的。

    It is important that the first ascentionist carefully considers where each point of fixed protection is placed , taking into account all safety , environmental and ethical considerations .