
  • 网络keriya;keriya river
  1. 克里雅河流域N、P环境行为研究

    Study on Phosphorus and Nitrogen Environment-behavior in Keriya River Basin

  2. 克里雅河发源于昆仑山脉,位置在新疆的南部。

    Keriya River is located in south Xinjiang , China .

  3. 克里雅河流域生态环境变化与水资源合理利用

    Ecological Environment Changes and Rational Utilization of Water Resources in the Keriya River Basin

  4. 克里雅河流域沉积物的粒度特征

    The Granularity Characteristic of Deposit in Keriya Drainage

  5. 晚更新世中期以来克里雅河流域黄土沉积特征与环境演化

    Depositional characteristics and environmental evolution of loess in Keriya River Basin since late Pleistocene

  6. 用中子活化法测定克里雅河流域地表水体的地球化学背景值

    Assaying the Geochemistry Background Value of Surface Water in Keriya River Basin by Neutron Activation Method

  7. 基于系统模拟技术的克里雅河流域水资源旬供需平衡分析

    Supply and Demand Analysis of Water Resources in Keriya Valley by Every Ten Days Based on System Simulation

  8. 夏季,克里雅河以西地区盛行偏西北风和西风,以东盛行东北风。

    In summer northwesterly and westerly ( northeasterly ) winds are prevalent west ( east ) of the Keriya River ;

  9. 塔克拉玛干沙漠克里雅河下游地区风沙地貌的形成发育与环境变化趋势的初步研究

    Study on Formation and Development of Aeolian Landform and Trend of Environmental Change at Lower Reach of the Keriya River , Taklimakan Desert

  10. 克里雅河流域人口与经济发展而带来的水土资源开发利用程度的增加,对流域生态环境产生了重大的影响。

    The development of population and economy in Keriya river basin bring large exploration of water and soil resources and significant influence on rive basin eco-environment .