
  1. 挖了好些电井。

    A number of power-operated wells were sunk .

  2. 为此,加拿大工程研究中心研制成功了一系列可用于有杆泵、螺杆泵、电潜泵的井下油水分离器,并已将电泵井井下油水分离系统在Alliance油田投入矿场应用。

    So , the Canada Engineering Research Center develop a series of downhole separators which can applied to beam pump , progressive cavity pump , electric submersible pump , and have applied electric submersible pump downhole separation system to Alliance oil field .

  3. 在油井流入动态研究和井筒流体PVT分析的基础上,结合海上油田的实际情况,以系统效率为目标对潜油电泵井进行了优化设计。

    Based on study of the inflow performance and analysis of the wellbore fluid PVT , combined the actual conditions in offshore oilfield , the optimal design were proceeded by aiming at system efficiency .

  4. 电泵井欠载整定值探讨

    Research on Adjusting Underload Value of Amperage with Submersible Pump

  5. 电泵井套管杂散电流排流技术应用

    Application of stray current discharge protection technique to electric pump oil wells

  6. 电泵井分离器壳体断裂原因分析及对策

    Results Interpretation and Measures for Separator Shell Crack in Electric Pump Well

  7. 电泵井生产测试配套技术在塔河油田的应用

    Application of Production Test Matching Technology with Electric Pump in Tahe Oilfield

  8. 电泵井套管杂散电流现场测试

    Field test of stray current in electric pump oil wells

  9. 电泵井防、除垢工艺的研究及应用

    Scaling - proof and scale removal craft of pump well

  10. 电泵井憋压时压力与时间的关系

    Relationship Between Pressure And Time During The Pressurizing of Electrical Submersible Pump Wells

  11. 中压变频器在潜油电泵井的应用

    The Application of Mid Voltage Variable Frequency Controller in Electrical Submersible Pump Wells

  12. 用憋压曲线判断电泵井管柱漏失的方法

    Use of pressure build-up curve to determine leaking of the oil well tubing string

  13. 电泵井套管杂散电流腐蚀及防护应用研究

    Application of Stray Current Corrosion and Anticorrosion to the Casing of Electric Pump Oil Wells

  14. 潜油电泵井个性化设计探讨

    Personal Design of Well with Submersible Pump

  15. 聚驱电泵井系统分析方法及其应用

    Nodal system analysis method and its application for electric submersible pump well with polymer flooding

  16. 潜油电泵井系统的优化设计

    Optimization of submersible electric pump well system

  17. 电泵井井网工况遥控遥测系统设计与应用

    A design and application of remote control system based on GPRS used for electric pump well

  18. 影响濮城油田潜油电泵井检泵周期的因素分析及对策

    The factors analyzed and countermeasures of influencing Electric Submersible Pumps ' maintenance period of PuCheng oilfield

  19. 塔里木油田电泵井不压井不放喷作业技术

    An operation technique without well killing and open flow of electric pumping wells in Tarim oil field

  20. 对电泵井故障模式的调查和统计表明,潜油电泵机组使用寿命是影响电泵井检修周期的主要因素。

    The lifetime of the electrical submersible pumping unit is the main factor affecting the overhaul period of electrical pumping unit .

  21. 针对河南油田研制了一种潜油电泵井远程无线监控系统。

    In consideration of the aspects of Henan Oilfield , a wireless remote monitoring system for electric submersible pumps is developed .

  22. 潜油电泵井系统由油井、潜油电泵机组和管路三个子系统组成,三个子系统既有区别又相互联系。

    The submersible electric pump well system consists of such three subsystems as the oil well , submersible electric pump and pipeline .

  23. 油田电泵井套管杂散电流腐蚀排流设计及应用

    Design and Application of Discharge Technique for Control of Stray Current Corrosion to Electric Pumps at Oil Wells of Daqing Oil Fields

  24. 作为一种特殊的流体动力式声波发生器,超声旋笛在电泵井防垢降粘方面有着显著的使用效果。

    As a special hydrodynamic sound generator , ultrasonic siren has applicative effects on viscosity reduction , scale removal on electric pump well .

  25. 电动潜油离心系有效举升高度的大小是电泵井工作性能优劣的重要依据之一。

    The effective lift height of electric submersible centrifugal pump is one of the important basis in judging work performance of electric pump wells .

  26. 为适应复杂井况,采用潜油电泵井Y型管柱测试技术。

    To adapt for complex well conditions , a testing technique using a " Y type " pipe for ESP wells can be employed .

  27. 介绍了用SQG1清除电泵井井下结垢的工艺及在1口井清垢的良好效果。

    The technologic aspects of scale removal in electric pump lift wells by using SQG-1 and the good scale removing results in one well are presented .

  28. 随着油田开采进入高含水期,潜油电泵井系统被越来越多的应用。

    With the exploitation of oil fields , the water cut keep a high level . Submersible pump well system is more and more widely applied .

  29. 该软件主要包括两大块:一是对目前的工况进行分析;二是给出电泵井工况诊断意见。

    The software consists of two blocks : one is to analyze the current conditions ; Second is to give diagnostic views of the ESP wells conditions .

  30. 电泵井优化设计软件为正确选择电泵机组,使电泵井发挥最大生产能力起到了重要作用。

    The optimizing design software for electric pump plays an important role in correctly selecting the electric pump subassembly and maximizing the oil productivity for a well .