
  • 网络TV-COMPUTER;TVPC;teleputer;PCTV
  1. 关了电视电脑也不会有什么坏的副作用。

    You don 't get side effects from turning off the television and computer .

  2. 让电视电脑一边去,睡觉才是王道!

    Turn off the TV and your laptop , and make your sleep a priority !

  3. 电路晶片广泛地用于电视、电脑等。

    Circuit chips are widely used in the television , computer , etc.

  4. 他们可能希望在电视或电脑上买到低价商品,但并不是人人都能占到这样的便宜。

    They may be hoping to get a low price on a TV or computer , but not everybody can get one .

  5. 通常,当孩子们无所事事时,他们会打开电视、电脑或电话。

    Usually , when children have nothing to do , they would turn on the TV , the computer , or the phone .

  6. 在过去的50年里,在通讯领域取得了巨大的成就,如收音机、电视、电脑、互联网和智能手机。

    In the last 50 years , there have been great achievements in communication , such as radio , TV , computers , the Internet , and smartphones .

  7. 电视或电脑等电子设备出故障的时候,你有时会通过敲打的方式让其恢复运转。

    Percussive maintenance happens when your piece of electronic device -- television , computer , etc -- won 't work , you give it a sharp unscientific whack4 to revive it .

  8. 但通常你是看不到3D效果的,只有在3D电视或者电脑上才能看到效果。

    But you won 't be able to see the effect on a viewfinder , you will need a 3D TV or computer .

  9. 如今我们可以在电视,电脑,笔记本,iPad,智能手机上得到各种信息。

    We now get it on our TVs , computers , laptops , iPads , and smartphones .

  10. 与传统PC或者互联网领域不同,智能终端是除电视和电脑外的第三屏幕,具有自身的特点,如私有性、随身性等。

    The new media has many differences with legacy media . It is the third screen beside TV and computer . It has many own characteristics , such as private , small and portable .

  11. 根据Childwise市场调查代理公司的测算:在英国,孩子们平均每天花费5个小时20分钟在电视或者电脑屏幕前。

    In Britain , children spend an average of five hours and20 minutes a day in front of TV or computer screens , according to estimates by the market-research agency Childwise .

  12. 其次,即便是年龄较大的孩子也会因自己房间的电视和电脑变得孤立。

    Even giving big kids their own TVs and computers invites isolation .

  13. 把电视和电脑搬出你的屋子。

    Take the TV and computer out of your room .

  14. 感谢收看“怎样回收旧电视或电脑显示器”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Recycle Your Television Or Computer Monitor

  15. 电视和电脑的屏幕过去通常很重、很笨拙也很贵。

    TV and computer screens used to be heavy , unwieldy and expensive .

  16. 在无休止的电视,电脑游戏和录像带上又能得到多少呢!

    And you don 't get much from endless TV , computer games and videos .

  17. 用途:主要应用于显示器如电视、电脑荧幕、影像器或电子产品的装配加工。

    Application : For the assembly plant of monitors for computers , TV screen , imager .

  18. 上海市学龄儿童电视和电脑使用对睡眠行为的影响

    Impact of television-watching and computer-using on sleep patterns and sleep problems of school-aged children in Shanghai

  19. 我可以在任何时间使用音响,电视,电脑?

    May I use the stereo , TV , computer , etc. , at any time ?

  20. 不远的将来,大尺寸电视以及电脑萤幕将可以卷起来存放。

    In the coming years , large-screen televisions and computer monitors could roll up for storage .

  21. 我们可以在家里通过看电视或电脑屏幕上的教学人员的讲课进行学习。

    We can study at home by watching educators on TV or on a computer screen .

  22. 因为电子设备,比如电视和电脑屏幕所“释放”出的人造光会“过度刺激”大脑,影响睡眠质量。

    Artificial light emitted by TV and computer screens and over-stimulation of the brain have been blamed .

  23. 可以的话,你要移去房间里面的发光电子器材,例如电视和电脑。

    If you can , remove all light-emitting electronics , such as TVs and computers from your bedroom .

  24. 你知道我们的电视、电脑和手机发出的光稍稍有些偏蓝色吗?

    You know that sort of bluish glow given off by our TVs , computers , and phones ?

  25. 格林斯潘说:最初的一步是把电视和电脑放在家里的公共场所。

    " A minimum first step is have the TV and computer in the family area ," says Greenspan .

  26. 人们对电影电视和电脑游戏的画面精细程度和视觉效果的要求也变得越来越高。

    People have higher and higher requirements on the the movie screen television , computer games and visual sophistication .

  27. 以下方法可以教给你怎样回收废弃的电视或电脑显示器,以保持垃圾填埋场以及其他地方的清洁。

    Find out how to keep our landfills and foreign countries clean by recycling your obsolete TV and computer monitor .

  28. 但是最普通的因素是太长时间面对显示屏,像电视、电脑、电视游戏等,和过多摄入垃圾食品。

    But the most common factors combine too much screen time-including television , computers and video games-with too much junk food .

  29. 我用我的电视作为电脑显示器和它的伟大工程,但我不能获得任何声音。

    I 'm using my tv as a computer monitor and it works great but I can 't get any sound .

  30. 众所周知,在没有电视和电脑的时候,阅读是最基本的娱乐方式。

    It is a well-known fact that when there were no televisions or computers , reading was a primary leisure activity .