
diàn nà
  • electrical susceptance
电纳[diàn nà]
  1. 提出了基于BP神经网络补偿TCR基波等效电纳与控制角非线性的方法。

    The method is proposed using BP Artificial neural network ( ANN ) to compensate nonlinear relation of the fundamental impedance of TCR with trigger angle .

  2. 将SVC基频等值电抗及电纳表达为其控制角的显函数,推导了SVC线性化牛顿潮流方程;

    Base frequency equivalent reactance and susceptance of SVC are expressed as an explicit function of its control angle and Newton-Raphson power flow equations are derived .

  3. 文中给出了δmin对节点有功功率和无功功率以及并联电纳的灵敏度的计算公式,根据用灵敏度指标来选择无功补偿节点。

    The sensitivity calculation formulae of δ _ ( min ) for the active and reactive power of node and for parallel susceptance are presented . Thus , the compensation nodes can be chosen according to the sensitivity indexes .

  4. 在此基础上,将电路划分为正序网络和负序网络,同时利用不平衡功率的波动特性提出了SVC(StaticVarCompensator)的等效补偿电纳计算方法。

    Based on this , the circuits are divided into two parts : positive and negative sequence networks . To the characteristic of unbalanced power , a method is deduced of computing the susceptance of static var compensator ( SVC ) to compensate the unbalanced load .

  5. 谐振时阻抗无穷大,电纳为零的电感-电容电路。

    Inductance-capacitance circuit having infinite reactance , zero susceptance at resonance .

  6. 复合荷电纳滤膜的制备及应用研究

    Study on Preparation and Applications of Composite Charged NF Membrane

  7. 基于首端信息的输电线路电纳测量方法

    Susceptance Measurement Method at Header Point of Transmission Line

  8. 基于节点电纳摄动的通用配电网损耗分配方法

    A universal procedure for allocating losses in distribution networks by perturbing shunt susceptance

  9. 多层电纳栅频率选择面的设计

    The Design of Frequency Selective Surfaces ( FSS ) With Multilayer Susceptance Grids

  10. 实验表明:荷电纳滤膜的表面具有一定的疏水性。

    The results show that the surface of the charged nanofiltration membrane exhibites hydrophobicity .

  11. 宽带电压调谐振荡器谐振时电阻为零,电纳无穷大的电感-电容电路。

    Wide-band voltage tunable oscillator Inductance-capacitance circuit having zero reactance , infinite susceptance at resonance .

  12. 电压稳定;静态极限;最小模特征值;重负荷节点电纳模型;

    Voleage stability Static voltage stability limit smallest module-eigenvalue susceptance model in the heaviest load bus ;

  13. 新型复合荷电纳滤膜/镶嵌膜的制备、表征与传递机理研究

    Investigation on the Preparation , Characterization and Transport Mechanism of the Novel Composite Charged NF / Mosaic Membranes

  14. 本文在Steinmezt原理的基础上,针对无功补偿过程中无功倒送问题,推导出一种防止无功过补偿的三相等效补偿电纳公式。

    Based on Steinmetz theory , a new method that prevents reactive power over compensating is put forward to .

  15. 然后用平衡补偿电纳网络将中性点接地系统的不对称负载补偿成三相电流完全对称且功率因数等于1的负荷。

    Then by the balancing compensation susceptances network , unbalanced three-phase load currents are compensated to be symmetrical and the power factor is one .

  16. 提出了一种基于节点电纳摄动改造配电网全节点导纳矩阵可逆性的方法。

    Then , an efficient method for upgrading the reversibility of full bus admittance matrix of a distribution network is proposed by perturbing shunt susceptance .

  17. 总体上讲,采用单一的荷电纳滤膜是不能同时取得同名离子之间和反离子之间的高效分离的。

    It can be concluded that good separation of both co-ions and counter ions cannot be achieved by a single type of the singly charged NF membranes .

  18. 结合工程实际的考虑,将电纳误差和补偿导纳角综合为一种小电流接地系统单相故障保护新算法。

    Considering the on-site requirement to the protection , the susceptance error and phase angle of the compensated admittance are integrated as a novel algorithm of single phase-to-earth fault of NUGS .

  19. 当频率较低时,短天线的输入电导随地下物质电磁参数的变化不明显,而输入电纳基本上随着频率的增高呈线性变化。

    When the frequency is relative low , the driven point conductance does not change significantly with the change of the dielectric constant , while the driven point susceptance changes linearly with the frequency .

  20. 本文的模型和算法,由于利用了同心松弛概念和逐次处理约束条件的思想,以及应用修正节点电纳矩阵反演求逆的方法,适应了这种需要。

    The model and computer method proposed in this paper satisfy such a requirment because of the application of concentric relaxation , recursive branch constraint treatment in linear programming and a direct method for B-1 matrix modification .

  21. 接着,根据上面的理论结果讨论算法并给出相应的计算程序,计算每个不连续面上的广义散射矩阵和中断电纳,并采用级联的方法算得整个阻抗变换器的S参数。

    Then , calculation code based on the above theoretical results will be used for the calculation of generalized scattering matrix and cutoff admittance on every discontinuity and S parameters of the impedance converter as a integer .

  22. 在晶闸管触发角的算法中,采用了有理插值法来构造一个有理插值函数,用其来表示触发角和基波等效电纳的关系。

    In the calculation of the thyristor gating delay angle , using the rational interpolation to construct a rational interpolation function , to express the relationship between the thyristor gating delay angle and the equivalent susceptance of fundamental wave .

  23. 这种改造方法从损耗分配的合理性与潮流误差出发确定电纳摄动点和摄动值,使任意配电网的全节点阻抗矩阵能够可靠计算。

    The upgrading method , starting from the rationality of losses allocation and load flow deviation , selects the busses and value of shunt susceptances to be perturbed . It makes the calculation of full bus impedance matrix of arbitrary distribution networks reliable .

  24. 以瞬时无功功率理论为依据,求出不对称负荷各相的等效补偿电纳,将等效电纳值转化为晶闸管的触发角,实现快速无功补偿。

    Regarding the instantaneous reactive power theory as basis , find out the equivalent compensation susceptance of each phase in three-phase unsymmetrical load , then transform the value of equivalent susceptance to the trigger angle of thyristor , finally , rapid reactive power compensation could be achieved .

  25. 随着微机电和纳机电系统的发展,薄膜或层状介质形式的压电材料越来越得到重视。

    With the development of the MEMS and NEMS , piezoelectric materials in the form of thin film or layered medium have become more and more important .

  26. 皮卫星以微电子、微机电、纳机电、精密制造等技术为基础,具有成本低、功能密度高、研发周期短、在轨功能针对性强等优点。

    Pico-satellites , based on advanced technologies such as Micro-Electronics , Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems ( MEMS ), Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems ( NEMS ), and Precision Machining , has many advantages such as low cost , high density of functionality , less Research & Developement time demanded , and mission-oriented features .

  27. 基于Floquent理论分析了压电纳米线的动力稳定性问题,讨论了表面能、压电幅值、振动幅值和几何非线性对压电纳米线动力不稳定区域的影响。

    In the numerical examples , the effects of the surface energies , AC voltage amplitude and geometric nonlinearity on the principal region of instability are discussed . Finally , based on the continuum mechanics and the Timoshenko theory , the wave propagation properties of the piezoelectric nanowire are studied .