
  • 网络an escalator
  1. 电动扶梯在哪里?在正中间。

    Where is the escalator ? It 's right in the middle .

  2. 最后,他们到达车站后是乘电动扶梯离开的。

    Finally , they arrive at a station which they leave by escalator .

  3. 有电动扶梯乘为何还要走楼梯呢?

    Why take the stairs when I could take the escalator ?

  4. 乘电动扶梯时,站靠右,行靠左。

    On escalators , stand to the right , walk to the left .

  5. 其中三家提供可以载你至整个店铺的电动扶梯。

    Three of them make the escalators that carry you through the shop .

  6. 乘电动扶梯上楼就行。

    Just take the escalator upstairs .

  7. 升降机及电动扶梯安全运动

    Lift and Escalator Safety Campaign

  8. 1991年开始运营的大江户线,为方便乘客进入地下铁,安装了电梯和电动扶梯。

    The oedo line , which began operations in1991 , has installed elevators and escalators for easy passenger access to street-level exits .

  9. 本实用新型是一种电梯配件,特别是一种边缘装有塑料装饰条的电动扶梯梯级。

    The utility model relates to a lifter fitting , particularly an electric staircase step of which the edge is provided with a plastic decorating strip .

  10. 我们有了空调,冲水马桶和电动扶梯,谁知道这个工程师还会想出什么主意。

    We 've got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators , and there 's no telling what this engineer is going to come up with next .

  11. 在大阪这个有些潦草的日本西部城市,第一件要知道的事情是人们在电动扶梯上必须靠右站立,左首是过道。这一点将大阪与东部首都东京区分开来,在那里,一切正好相反。

    One of the first things to know about Osaka is that people stand on the right of escalators and stride up on the left . This distinguishes the rough-and-ready western city from Tokyo , the eastern capital , where people do precisely the reverse .